Do you have any chest pain or tightness? |
tahee seenaa daRd kanaga int? |
تئی سینہ درد کنگ انت؟ |
Are you having trouble trying to breathe? |
taRaa saahey kashega mushkil aast int? |
ترا ساہ کشگ مشکل است انت؟ |
Do you have chest pain over your entire chest? |
tahee saRjamey seenaa daRd kanaga int? |
تئی سرجم سینہ درد کنگ انت؟ |
Do you have pain from your chest into your arm? |
tahee seenaa chey begeR dast daRd kant? |
تئی سینہ چہ بگر دستء درد کنت؟ |
Have you had this type of chest pain before? |
to saaReeya ee waRey daRd meh-soos kotaa? |
تو ساری اے وڈہ درد محسوس کتا؟ |