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Play Button We must spend the night here. Play Button cheh ma do dee nya dee maa ney ya meh
Play Button Is there a dining facility here? Play Button dee maa nya saa kywey ma laa?
Play Button How many kilometers to the nearest town? Play Button a nee sone myo kee loe mee tar beh lawk way ta leh?
Play Button Are there any hotels near here? Play Button dee a nee a naa maa hoe the she laa?
Play Button Are there any restaurants near here? Play Button dee a nee a naa maa saa tawk sine she ta laa?
Play Button We want to go to ___. Play Button cheh ma do ____ go thwaa chin deh
Play Button Are there rental cars available? Play Button a nghaa caa ya nie ma laa?
Play Button Is there a telephone available? Play Button tehh lee phone she laa?
Play Button We need ___ gallons of potable water. Play Button cheh ma do yey ____ gaa lann loe chin deh
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