Do not stop if the convoy is attacked! |
yin dan mya taayk Khaayk Khan ya yin ma yah neh! |
No littering or dumping trash on military camps or staging areas. |
sit tah sa Khan tho ma hot tah mah tar deh aree ya mya hma a maayt tho ma hot a maayt pon mya ma pyit ya |
Go around any broken down truck in the convoy. |
yin dan teh hmar kon tin yin a pyit shee lar |
No flashing beacons. |
an da yeh a chek pya mee ma shee ba |
Fuel vehicle every time vehicle stops. |
maw taw yin yah taayn lawn sar see phyey ba |
Food is provided at some military camps when available. |
ta cho sit tah sa Khan hmar a sa shee yin pay meh |
Bring plenty of food and water with you. |
min neh a to a sa neh yey mya yo lar ba |
If you have to stop for any reason and the convoy continues, wait for help from the military. |
yin dan ga sek pyee thwar ney sin a jawn ta Kho jawk yah chin yin, sit tah hma a ko a nyee go sawk ba |
They will escort you back into position. |
tho do yeh a sawk a jah neh min ney yar go pyan po pay layt meh |
No fighting or arguing with any other driver over position in convoy. |
yin dan ga mawn tha mar a chin chin nyin Khon taayk Khaayk hmo ma lot ya |
Drive in a single file. |
lan jawn ta Kho teh hma mawn ba |
Drive a minimum of 3 kms before stopping. |
ma yah mee a neh son thon kee lo meeter lawk mawn ba |
Be prepared to stop and assist broken down trucks. (Note: This is an instruction for bobtail drivers.) |
kon tin kar mya pyek ney yin yah pyee ko nyee pho a sin thint lot ba (mah chit: phyah chaw kar mawn tho a twek nyoon char chek) |
Report any problems with other drivers to the convoy commander. |
ta char yin mawn tho mya neh pyah tha na shee yin yin dan yeh oo see chot go tha din po ba |
No drug or alcohol use while driving. |
yin mawn ney sin a yek tho ma hot mo yit sey waa ma thon ya |
Know how to change tires and have proper tools. |
kar bayn leh tah pho neh kar bayn leh deh ka ree ya mya shee lar |
Loads, straps, chains, and tires are the drivers' responsibility. |
kon tin kon cha, tot po, chee nawn neh kar bayn mya ha yin mawn tho dwey yeh taa won ba |
Check every time the convoy stops. |
yin dan yah taayn sit sey ba |
Following distance is 100m on open highway. |
a way pyey lan paw hma meeter ta yar lawk Khwaa taa ya meh |
Following distance is 50m in towns. |
myo dwin lan hma meeter naa seh lawk Khwaa taa ya meh |
When stopped on the road, keep enough space between vehicles to drive around if required. |
lan paw hma kar yah yin ta char kar mya thwar naayn pho a twek lon lawk teh ney yar a jeh pay taa ba |
If you lose sight of the convoy, slow down and wait for a military truck to pass you, and follow it. |
a keh ywey yin dan pyawk thwar yin, a shayn shaw byee sit tah kon tin yin go pay jaw byee, nawk ka laayt thwar ba |
No weapons. |
lek nek mya ma shee bo |
No cell phone use. |
seh phon a thon ma pyoo ya |
Do not throw food or water to the locals. |
dee dey tha mya hma a sar tho ma hot yey ma pyit ba neh |