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Play Button The name of the village Play Button chuen meng 村名
Play Button The location of the village Play Button tiu chuen ge day deem 條村嘅哋点
Play Button Is there road access for cars? Play Button yau mo tung chari ge lo ah? 有冇通车嘅路呀?
Play Button Is there a road access for four-wheel drive? Play Button yau mo heng duk say kui chey ge lo ah? 有冇行得四驱车嘅路呀?
Play Button Is there a road access for trucks? Play Button yau mo heng duk for chey ge lo ah? 有冇行得货车嘅路呀?
Play Button Is the road accessible in the winter? Play Button dung tien dee lo heng duk tung mah? 冬天啲路行得通吗?
Play Button What is the number of the current population? Play Button yee gar ge yan haw yau gay dor? 而家嘅人口有几多?
Play Button How many children are there? Play Button yau gay dor gor saai lo chaai? 有几多个细路仔?
Play Button How many men are there? Play Button yau gay dor gor lam yan? 有几多个男人?
Play Button How many women are there? Play Button yau gay dor gor loi yan? 有几多个女人?
Play Button How many locals are there? Play Button yau gay dor gor bon day yan? 有几多个本地人?
Play Button How many refugees are there? Play Button yau gay dor gor lan men? 有几多个难民?
Play Button How many returnees are there? Play Button yau gay gor haai haai oi been fan ley gar? 有几个係喺外 面返黎嫁?
Play Button Who is the community leader? Play Button bin gor haai sair kui ling chow ah? 边个係社区领袖呀?
Play Button Who is responsible for food distribution? Play Button bin gor fu jark paai fat leung sik gar? 边个负责派发糧食嫁?
Play Button Where is the local warehouse? Play Button boon day ge chong fu haai bin doh ah? 本哋嘅仓库喺边度呀?
Play Button Is there a storage facility? Play Button yau mo chu chuen chit bay ah? 有冇储存设备呀?
Play Button Is this village used for secondary distribution? Play Button lay tiu chuen yau mo yung ley jo chung dang fun fat charn ah? 呢条村有冇用黎做中等分发站呀?
Play Button Which villages receive assistance from this village? Play Button yau bin gay tiu chuen jeep shou ley tiu chuen ge bong chor gar? 有边几条村接受呢条村嘅帮助嫁?
Play Button How many damaged houses in this village? Play Button haai ley tiu chuen doh yau gay dor waai waai ge fong uk ah? 喺呢条村度有几多毁坏嘅房屋呀?
Play Button How many unfinished houses in this village? Play Button haai ley tiu chuen doh yar gay dor gan maai hay ho ge uk ah? 喺呢条村度有几多间未起好嘅屋呀?
Play Button Was there any new war damage to buildings since before the conflict? Play Button dee fong uk haai jin luen chin doh yee gar yau mo sun ge jin for suen waai ah? 啲房屋喺战乱前到依家有冇新嘅战火损坏呀?
Play Button Is there a school in the village? Play Button haai ley tiu chuen doh yau mo hok haw ah? 喺呢条村度有冇学校呀?
Play Button Is there a mosque / church in the village? Play Button haai ley tiu chuen doh yau mo ching chun jee / gaw tong ah? 喺呢条村度有冇清真寺 / 教堂呀?
Play Button Is there a bakery? Play Button yau mo meen pau po ah? 有冇面包铺呀?
Play Button Is there a health facility? Play Button yau mo gin hong yuan ah? 有冇健康院呀?
Play Button Is there any source of food available in the village? Play Button haai ley tiu chuen doh yau mo sik mut ge gung ying ah? 喺呢条村度有冇食物嘅供应呀?
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