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Play Button Who is in charge of repairing roads? Play Button bin gor fu jark doh lo waai shau ah? 边个负责道路维修呀?
Play Button Do you have a map of this area? Play Button lay yau mo ley gor day kui ge day to ah? 你有冇呢个哋区嘅地图呀?
Play Button We will provide assistance in building roads at this location. Play Button ngah day wui bong lay haai ley gor day deem geen chit doh lo 我哋会帮你喺呢个地点度建设道路
Play Button Can you provide a road map of this area? Play Button lay hor yee taai gung ley gor day kui ge doh lo to mah? 你可以提供呢个地区嘅道路图吗?
Play Button Do you have any machinery for road building? Play Button lay day yau mo jok lo ge gay hay ah? 你哋有冇筑路嘅机器呀?
Play Button Do you have any machinery for road repairs? Play Button lay day yau mo shou lo ge gay hay ah? 你哋有冇修路嘅机器呀?
Play Button We have to set up storage locations for supply materials in the area. Play Button ngah day yiu haai ley gor day kui doh chit lap dee gung ying mut bun ge chu chuen deem 我哋要喺呢个地区度设立啲供应物品嘅储存点
Play Button Are there any railroad tracks in this area? Play Button haai ley gor day kui doh yau mo lo gwaai ah? 喺呢个地区度有冇路轧呀?
Play Button Do you have transportation facilities in this area? Play Button haai ley gor day kui doh yau mo wan she chit see ah? 喺呢个地区度有冇运输设施呀?
Play Button Are there any airports nearby? Play Button fu gun yau mo fay gay cheung ah? 附近有冇飞机场呀?
Play Button Are there any landing fields for smaller aircraft nearby? Play Button fu gun yau mo day fong hor yee bay shiu ying fay gay gong lok ah? 附近有冇地方可以比小型飞机降落呀?
Play Button Are there any pipelines in the area? Play Button fu gun yau mo hay yau shu sung guan ah? 附近有冇汽油输送管呀?
Play Button Is the pipeline fenced off in this area? Play Button haai ley gor daai kui ge hay yau seh sung guan yau mo mong lan chu gar? 喺呢个地区嘅汽油输送管有冇网拦住嫁?
Play Button Is the traffic heavy in this area? Play Button ley gor day kui ge gou tung jaai suk mah? 呢个哋区嘅交通挤塞吗?
Play Button Are there bus lines or trains to travel to other places? Play Button yau mo bar see wak je for chey hui kay tar day kui ah? 有冇巴士或者火车去其它地区呀?
Play Button Are there taxis? Play Button yau mo dik see ah? 有冇的士呀?
Play Button Do these roads get snowed in during the winter? Play Button ley dee doh lo haai dung tien wui m wui jik suit ah? 呢啲道路喺冬天会唔会积雪呀?
Play Button How many people own motor vehicles in this area? Play Button haai ley gor day kui yau gay dor gor yan yau hay chey ah? 喺呢个地区有几多个人有汽车呀?
Play Button Are there trucking companies nearby? Play Button fu gun yau mo wan shu gung see ah? 附近有冇运输公司呀?
Play Button Do you have radio contact with people in other places? Play Button lay day yau mo yung mo sin deen tung kay tar day kui ge yan luen lok ah? 你哋有冇用冇线电同其它地区嘅人联络呀?
Play Button Can you use these roads during the winter? Play Button lay day hor yee haai dung tien yung ley dee doh lo mah? 你哋可以喺冬天用呢啲道路吗?
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