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Play Button Put your hands on the steering wheel and do not move them. Play Button baai lay dui saow haai gor gar saai poon seung meen, m ho yuk 摆你对手喺个驾驶盘上面,吾好旭
Play Button You are breaking the curfew. Play Button lay m jun saow siu gum ling 你唔遵守宵禁令
Play Button You were speeding. Play Button lay kau sin chiu chok gar saai 你求先超速驾驶
Play Button The curfew is in effect. Play Button yee gar jing joy sut heng siu gum 而家正在实行宵禁
Play Button Did you know there is a curfew? Play Button lay jee doh yee gar siu gum mah? 你知道而家宵禁吗?
Play Button The streets are not safe right now. Play Button dee gey doh ley jun m haai ho on chuen 啲街道呢陣吾 係好安全
Play Button We will escort you to your relatives. Play Button ngah day wui wu sung lay hui lay chun shik doh 我哋会护送你去你亲戚度
Play Button The police station will give you information about curfew. Play Button ging guk wui bay lay jee gwan yu siu gum ge jee liu 警局会话比你 知关于宵禁嘅 资料
Play Button Turn off the engine. Play Button sik jor gor yun king 熄咗个引擎
Play Button Get out of your vehicle. Play Button haai lay gar chey doh heng chuit ley 喺你架车度行出黎
Play Button May I see your ID, please? Play Button hor yee bay ley cheung sun fun jing ngah taai harm ah? 可以俾你张身份证我睇吓吗?
Play Button Where are you going? Play Button lay hui bin doh? 你去边度?
Play Button Are you carrying any weapons? Play Button lay yau mo kwaai daai yum ho mo hay? 你有冇携带任何武器?
Play Button How much money are you carrying? Play Button lay daai chu gay dor chin? 你带住几多钱?
Play Button Who gave you the money? Play Button haai bin gor bay dee chin lay ge? 係边个比啲钱你嘅?
Play Button Do you have a gun under the seat? Play Button haai jor waai har meen lay yau mo cheung? 喺座位下面你有冇枪?
Play Button Are you hiding anything illegal? Play Button lay yau mo sout chong waai gum bun? 你有冇收藏违禁品?
Play Button Since you broke the law, we have to arrest you. Play Button yun waai lay jok fan fat luit, ngah day yiu kui bo lay 因为你触犯法律,我哋要拘捕你
Play Button We have to take you to the police station. Play Button ngah day yiu daai lay hui ging guk 我哋要带你去警局
Play Button You will ride with us to the police station. Play Button lay tung ngah day yat chaai chor chey hui ging guk 你同我哋一齐坐车去警局
Play Button We detained this man at ___. Play Button ngah day haai ___ kui lout jor ley gor yan 我哋喺___拘留咗呢个人
Play Button He broke the curfew. Play Button kui mo fok chung siu gum ling 佢冇服从宵禁令
Play Button Can you help verify the man's identity? Play Button lay hor yee bong mong jing sut ley goy an ge sun fun mah? 你可以帮忙证實呢个人嘅身份吗?
Play Button He was hiding a gun. Play Button kui chong yau yat jee cheung 佢藏有一支枪
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