Do you understand this language? |
lay sik m sik teng ngah gong wah? |
你识吾识听我嘅话? |
We are here to help you. |
ngah day haai laai bong lay day ge |
我地系黎帮你哋嘅 |
I do not understand your language. |
ngah m sik teng lay ge wah |
我吾识听你嘅话 |
There is no one available who speaks this language. |
lay do mo yan sik gong lay ge wah |
呢度冇人识讲你嘅话 |
Try to answer my questions with "yes" or "no." |
see har jing haai yung "haai" wak tse "m haai" laai wui darp ngah ge mun taai |
試吓静系用 "系" 或者 "吾系" 黎回答我嘅问题 |
Move your head like this for "yes." |
yu gwor "haai", chau gum yeung yuk lay gor tau |
如果 "系" ,就敢样旭你个头 |
Move your head like this for "no." |
yu gwor "m haai", chau gum yeung yuk lay gor tau |
如果 "吾系" ,就敢样旭你个头 |
Do you know where you are? |
lay dzee m dzee lay yee gar haai bin do ah? |
你知吾知你而家系边度呀? |
We cannot give you anything to eat or drink. |
ngah day m hor yee bay yeh lay sik tung maai yum |
我哋吾可以比野你食同埋饮 |
If you need surgery, your stomach must be empty. |
yu gwor lay yiu jo saow suit, lay yat deng yiu hung to |
如果你要做手术,你一定要空肚 |