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Play Button Are you in pain? Play Button lay haai m haai ho tung ah? 你系吾系好痛呀?
Play Button Where is your pain? Play Button lay bin do tung ah? 你边度痛呀?
Play Button Is the pain here? Play Button haai m haai lee do tung ah? 系吾系呢度痛呀?
Play Button Does anything make the pain better? Play Button yau mo yeh saai do m wui gum tung ah? 有冇野使到吾会敢痛呀?
Play Button Does anything make the pain worse? Play Button yau mo yeh ling do gang tung ah? 有冇野令到更痛呀?
Play Button Did the pain start today? Play Button haai m haai gum yet hoi chee tung ah? 系吾系今日开始痛呀?
Play Button How many days have you had the pain? Play Button lay tung for gay dor yat ah? 你痛左几多日呀?
Play Button Describe the pain on a scale from 1 to 10. Play Button yung yat dzee sup laai ying yung lay tung do mut yeh ching do 用一至十耒形容你痛到乜野情度
Play Button 10 is the worst possible pain, and 1 is no pain at all. Play Button sup haai tsui tung, yat haai yuen chuen m tung 十系最痛, 一系完全唔痛
Play Button Hold up the number of fingers. Play Button gur hey saow dzee laai bil see so muk 举起手指黎表示数目
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