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Play Button Do you have pain in this joint I'm touching? Play Button ngah dau gun ge gwat gau tung m tung ah? 我斗紧嘅骨较痛吾痛呀?
Play Button Do you have pain in any other joint? Play Button lay kay tar ge gwat gau tung m tung ah? 你其它嘅骨较痛吾痛呀?
Play Button Which joint hurts the most? Play Button bin yat do gwat gau chui tung ah? 边一度骨较最痛呀?
Play Button Do you have pain in this muscle I'm touching? Play Button ngah dau gun ge gay yuk tung m tung ah? 我斗紧嘅肌肉痛吾痛呀?
Play Button Do you have pain in any other muscle? Play Button lay kay tar ge gay yuk tung m tung ah? 你其它嘅肌肉痛吾痛呀?
Play Button Where is the muscle pain? Play Button haai bin do ge gay yuk tung ah? 系边度嘅肌肉痛呀?
Play Button Is this muscle cramping? Play Button lay gou gay yuk haai m haai chau gun ah? 呢旧肌肉系吾系抽筋呀?
Play Button Have you ever had any broken bones? Play Button lay yee chin yau mo tuen gwor gwat? 你以前有冇断过骨?
Play Button What bones have you broken? Play Button lay tuen gwor bin tiu gwat ah? 你断过边條骨呀?
Play Button Does it hurt when I do this? Play Button ngah gum yeung jo tung m tung ah? 我敢样做痛吾痛呀?
Play Button Do this. Play Button gum lair 敢呢
Play Button You need an x-ray of your bone. Play Button yiu jil eks kwong taai har lay dee gwat 要照 X 光睇吓你啲骨
Play Button I will examine the x-ray and tell you what I see. Play Button ngah wui yin gau eks kwong pin, yin hau wah bay lay dzee ngah taai do dee mut yeh 我会研究 X 光片,然后话比你知我睇倒的乜野
Play Button The bone here is broken. Play Button gwat tau lee do tuen jor 骨头呢度断左
Play Button The bone here is not broken. Play Button gwat tau lee do mo tuen do 骨头呢度冇断到
Play Button You need a cast to help the bone heal. Play Button lay sui yiu dar sek go laai bong dee gwat faai dee ho fan 你需要打石膏黎帮的骨快啲好翻
Play Button Do not remove the cast. Play Button m ho chark jau sek go 吾好拆走石膏
Play Button Do not get the cast wet. Play Button m ho jing sup sek go 吾好整湿石膏
Play Button You need a splint to help the injury heal. Play Button lay yiu yung faai garp ban laai bong lay sau seung gor do faai dee ho fan 你要用块夹板黎帮你受伤嗰度快啲好翻
Play Button You may take the splint off to clean yourself. Play Button lay ching site ge see hou, hor yee chark jor faai garp ban 你清洗嘅時侯, 可以拆左块夹板
Play Button The splint must be replaced after you have cleaned yourself. Play Button lay ching site yuen dzee hou, yat deng yiu chong fan ho faai garp ban 你清洗完之后,一定要装翻好块夹板
Play Button You need a metal plate and screws to help the healing of your bone. Play Button lay yiu yat faai tit pin tung maai law see lay bong lay de gwat faai dee ho fan 你要一块铁片同埋罗丝黎帮你啲骨快啲好翻
Play Button We need to take you to the Operating Room to operate on you. Play Button ngah day yiu daai lay hui saow suit sut jo saow chuit 我哋要带你去手术室做手术
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