Let us examine your child in private. |
deng ngah day dan duk taai har lay gor saai lo |
等我哋单独睇下你个细路 |
Your child will get better soon. |
lay gor saai lo ho faai jau wui ho fan gar lar |
你个细路好快就会好番架啦 |
This medicine will help your child. |
lay dee yerk wui dui lay gor saai lo yau bong jor gei |
呢啲药会對你个细路有帮助嘅 |
Did your child eat today? |
lay gor saai lo gum yet yau mo siko yeah ah? |
你个细路今日有冇食野呀? |
Has your child passed urine today? |
lay gor saai lo gum yat oh gwor liu maai ah? |
你个细路今日柯过尿未呀? |
Has your child passed any stool today? |
lay gor saai lo gum yat oh gwor see maai ah? |
你个细路今日柯过屎未呀? |
Did your child pass any stool yesterday? |
lay gor saai lo kum yat yau mo oh gwor see ah? |
你个细路琴日有冇柯过屎呀? |
Has your child had any diarrhea? |
lay gor saai lo yau my to oh ah? |
你个细路有冇肚柯呀? |
Has your child been vomiting? |
lay gor saai lo yau mo ou gwor ah? |
你个细路有冇呕过呀? |
Your child looks healthy. |
lay gor saai lo taai laai ho gin hong |
你个细路睇黎好健康 |
Your child will be fine. |
lay gor saai lo wui mo see gei |
你个细路会冇事嘅 |
Your child will be ill for a long time. |
lay gor saai lo wui cheung kay m su fok |
你个细路会長時期唔舒服 |
This illness will pass slowly, but your child's health will return completely. |
lee gor bang wui mahn mahn sin dzee ho, dan haai lay gor saai lo wui yuen chuen hong fok gei |
呢个病会慢慢先至好,但系你个细路会完全康復嘅 |
Feed the child small portions every few hours. |
mui gay gor chung tau waai lay gor saai lo siu siu yer |
每几个钟头餵你个细路少少药 |
Help your child drink this every few hours. |
mui gay gor chung tau bong lay gor saai lo yum jor kui |
每几个钟头帮你个细路飲左佢 |
Feed this medicine to your child every four hours. |
mui gay gor chung tau waai lay gor saai lo sik jak yerk |
每几个钟头餵你个细路食隻药 |
Allow your child to sleep. |
bay lay gor saai lo fun har gau |
比你个细路训下觉 |
You need to sleep as much as the child does. |
lay yiu tung lay gor saai lo yat yeung fan gum dor |
你要同你个细路一样训敢多 |
Bring your child back here tomorrow. |
teng yat daai lay gor saai lo fan laai lee do |
听日带你个细路翻黎呢度 |
Bring your child back if there is no improvement by tomorrow. |
yu gwor teng yat mo goi sin, jau daai lay gor saai lo fan laai |
如果听日冇改善,就带你个细路翻黎 |