Do you have any chest pain or tightness? |
lay sum hou yau mo tung wak tse yau tsar gun ge gum gok? |
你心口有冇痛或者有揸紧嘅感觉? |
Are you having trouble trying to breathe? |
lay foo kup yau mo kwang lan ah? |
你呼吸有冇困难呀? |
Do you have chest pain over your entire chest? |
lay sing gor sum hou yau mo tung ah? |
你成个心口有冇痛呀? |
Do you have pain from your chest into your arm? |
lay haai m haai yau sum hou tung do lok saow bay do ah? |
你系唔系由心口痛到落手臂度呀? |
Have you had this type of chest pain before? |
lay yee chin yau mo lee chung gum yeung ge sum hou tung ah? |
你以前有冇呢种敢样嘅心口痛呀? |
Do you feel light-headed with the chest pain? |
sum hou tung see, lay yau mo gum gok tau wan ah? |
心口痛时,你有冇感觉头晕呀? |
Do you sweat with the chest pain? |
sum hou tung see, lay yau mo chuit hon ah? |
心口痛时,你有冇出汗呀? |
This heart pill may give you a headache. |
lay jak sum jong yerk ho lung wui ling lay tau tung |
呢隻心脏药可能会令你头痛 |
This will go under your tongue. |
lay gor wui fong haai lay lay daai har |
呢个会放系你利底下 |
Chew this and swallow it. |
cheung kui jil sui, yin hou tun jor kui |
将佢赵碎,然后吞左佢 |