Do you have an identity card? |
lay yau mo sun fun jing ah? |
你有冇身份证呀? |
Show me your identification. |
bay ngah taai lay ge sun fun jing |
比我睇你嘅身份证 |
Do you have any bad reactions to medications? |
lay dui yerk mut yau mo butt leung ge fan ying ah? |
你对药物有冇不良嘅反应呀? |
What is the name of the medication that causes bad reactions? |
dui lay chant seng butt leung fan ying ge yerk mut giu mut yeh meng? |
對你产生不良反应嘅药物叫乜野名? |
Do you have any allergies to medicines? |
lay dui yerk mut wui m wui gwor mun? |
你对药物会吾会过敏? |