This will help you. |
laai yeung yeh wui dui lay yau bong jor |
呢样野会對你有帮助 |
I have to put a small needle in you here. |
ngah yiu haai lay lee do gut yat dzee yau jum |
我要系你呢度吉一支幼针 |
We need to give you fluid. |
ngah day yiu se dee lout jut bay lay |
我哋要输啲流质比你 |
We need to give you blood. |
ngah day yiu bong lay se huit |
我地要帮你输血 |
I need to put a tube into your throat. |
ngah yiu haai lay hou loong do charp yat tiu guan |
我要系你喉龙度插一条管 |
This tube will help you breathe better. |
laai tiu guan wui bong jor lay yung yee foo kup |
呢条管会帮助你容易啲呼吸 |
This tube may feel uncomfortable. |
laai tiu guan hor lung wui m haai ho sue fok |
呢条管可能会唔系好舒服 |
I need to put a tube through your nose to your stomach. |
ngah sui yiu ging gwor lay gor bay fong tiu guan yup lay gor to do |
我需要经过你个鼻放条管入你个肚度 |
You need to swallow while I put this tube in your nose. |
dong ngah charp tiu guan yup lay gor bay see, lay yiu tun hou sui |
当我插条管入你个鼻时,你要吞口水 |
Drink this while I gently place the tube into your nose. |
dong ngah mahn mahn fong tiu guan yup lay gor bay see, yum lee bui yeh |
当我慢慢放条管入你个鼻时,饮呢杯野 |
This tube will drain your stomach. |
laai tiu guan wui ching lay ge cheung waai |
呢条管会清你嘅肠胃 |
I have to put a small tube into your neck to give you fluid. |
ngah wui haai lay tiu gang do charp yat tiu saai guan su dee lout jut bay lay |
我会系你条颈度插一条细管输啲流质卑你 |
I need to put a tube in your chest. |
ngah yiu charp tiu guan haai lay gor sum hou do |
我要插条管系你个心口度 |
This needle will release the air from your chest. |
laai dzee jum wui cheung lay sum hou ge hay fong chuit laai |
呢支针会将你心口嘅气放出黎 |
This will help your burns. |
laai yeung yeh wui dui lay ge siu seung yau ho tsu |
呢样野会对你嘅燒伤有好处 |
I need to cut your skin. |
ngah yiu got hoi lay dee bay |
我要割开你啲皮 |
We have to restrain you for your safety. |
waai jor lay ge on chuen, ngah day yiu bong haai lay |
为左你嘅安全,我哋要绑起你 |
You have been burned by a chemical. |
lay bay far kok mut cheuk seung |
你比化学物灼伤 |
We need to wash the chemicals from your skin. |
ngah day yiu saai chao lay pay foo seung meen ge far hok mut |
我哋要洗走你皮肤上面嘅化学物 |
You will need to be completely washed. |
lay yiu chit daai saai jing sin dzee duk |
你要切底洗静先至得 |