What airline is carrying your cargo? |
bin gar hong hung gung sea won nay geah for? |
边家航空公司运你既货? |
What is your phone or contact number? |
nay geah din wah wark dze luen lork hoe mar haai mut yeah? |
你既电话或者联络号码是乜野? |
What is your hotel? |
nay jee bin garn dzau dim? |
你住边间酒店? |
What is the mission impact of this casualty or item? |
nay chee sea goo deuy nay geah yum moe yau mut yeng heung? |
呢次事故对你既任务有乜影响? |
When is the cargo arriving? |
for mut gay sea doe? |
货物几时到? |