Please wait for an interpreter. |
chang lay dung gor fan yik ley |
请你等个翻译黎 |
Please turn off your camera. |
chang lay san jor gor seung gay |
请你删咗个相机 |
Please turn off your recorder. |
chang lay sik jor gor luk yum gay |
请你熄咗个录音机 |
Here is a copy of our ground rules. |
ley yat cheung haai ngah day ge gay boon kway jug |
呢一张係我哋嘅基本规则 |
Sign here if you agree to follow the ground rules. |
yu gwor lay tung yee jun sou ngah day ge kway jug, haai ley do chim gor meng |
如果你同意遵守我哋嘅规则,喺呢度签个名 |
You cannot enter this area now. |
ley yee gar m hor yee yup ley ley gor day kui |
你依家唔可以入黎呢个地区 |
For security reasons, I cannot address this question. |
waai on chuen lay yau, ngah m lung gau wui darp ley gor mun taai |
为安全理由,我唔能够回答呢个问题 |
I cannot address that question until the investigation is finished. |
jik do tiu char yuen but dzee chin, ngah m lung gau woo darp ley gor mun taai |
直到调查完华之前,我唔能够回答嗰个问题 |
We do not discuss personnel or equipment strength with the media. |
ngah day haai m wui tung mui taai to lun yau gwan yan lik tung mey jong bay suk lik ge see |
我哋係唔会同媒体讨论有关人力同埋装备实力嘅事 |
We do not discuss future operations with the media. |
ngah day haai m wui tung mui taai to lun yau gwan mey loi heng dung ge see |
我哋係唔会同媒体讨论有关未来行动嘅事 |
We do not discuss nuclear operations with the media. |
ngah day haai m wui tung mui taai to lun yau gwan hut dzee heng dung ge see |
我哋係唔会同媒体讨论有关核子行动嘅事 |
We do not discuss biological operations with the media. |
ngah day haai m wui tung mui taai to lun yau gwan seng mut heng dung ge see |
我哋係唔会同媒体讨论有关生物行动嘅事 |
We do not have information on this subject. |
ngah day mo dui yu ley gor see hong ge dzee liu |
我哋冇对於呢个事项嘅资料 |
Names cannot be released until victims' relatives are notified. |
jik dzee sou hoi tse ge chun suk jeep do tung dzee chin, sou hoi tse ge sing meng haai m wui fat fong ge |
直至受害者嘅亲属接到通知前,受害者嘅姓名係唔会发放嘅 |