I do not wish to give an interview. |
ngah m seung jeep sau choi fong |
我唔想接受采访 |
He does not wish to give an interview. |
kui m seung jeep sau choi fong |
佢唔想接受采访 |
She does not wish to give an interview. |
kui m seung jeep sau choi fong |
佢唔想接受采访 |
I am not qualified to answer that question. |
ngah mo dzee gark wui darp gor gor mun taai |
我冇资格回答嗰个问题 |
She is not qualified to answer that question. |
kui mo dzee gark wui darp gor gor mun taai |
佢冇资格回答嗰个问题 |
He is not qualified to answer that question. |
kui mo dzee gark wui darp gor gor mun taai |
佢冇资格回答嗰个问题 |
He does not want to answer that question. |
kui m seung wui darp gor gor mun taai |
佢唔想回答嗰个问题 |
She does not want to answer that question. |
kui m seung wui darp gor gor mun taai |
佢唔想回答嗰个问题 |
I will not answer this question. |
ngah m wui wui darp ley gor mun taai |
我唔会回答呢个问题 |
I have no answer at this time. |
yin see ngah mo darp on |
现时我冇答案 |