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Play Button I am not an official spokesperson. Play Button ngah m haai gon fong fat yin yan 我唔係官方发言人
Play Button Please wait for the public affairs representative. Play Button chang deng gung gung see mo sut ge doi biw ley 请等公共事务室嘅代表黎
Play Button I can only tell you what I know. Play Button ngah dzee hor yee wah bay lay teng ngah dzee do ge yeh 我只可以话比你听我知道嘅嘢
Play Button The situation is under control. Play Button ching fong yee gar sou do hung dzaai 情况而家受到控制
Play Button We are doing everything we can to restore order. Play Button ngah day yee gar chun jor yat chaai ley fui fok deep tsui 我哋依家尽左一切黎恢复秩序
Play Button We are doing everything we can to protect lives. Play Button ngah day yee gar chun jor yat chaai ley bo woo sing meng 我哋依家尽左一切黎保护性命
Play Button We are doing everything we can to save lives. Play Button ngah day yee gar jun jor yat chaai ley gaai gou sing meng 我哋依家尽左一切黎解救性命
Play Button There was an incident. Play Button fat seng jor yat gor yee oi 发生咗一个意外
Play Button The incident is under investigation. Play Button gin see gin jing jor tiu char gun 件事件正在调查紧
Play Button We are taking this matter very seriously. Play Button ngah day ho cheng chung ley dui doi ley gor see gin 我哋好郑重黎对待呢 个事件
Play Button People have been injured. Play Button yau yan sou for seung 有人受咗伤
Play Button Civilians have been injured. Play Button yau ping men sou jor seung 有平民受咗伤
Play Button Police have been injured. Play Button yau ging chart sou jor seung 有警察受咗伤
Play Button Service members have been injured. Play Button yau gwan yan sou jor seung 有军人受咗伤
Play Button Service members have been killed. Play Button yau gwan yan bay sart 有军人被杀
Play Button People have been killed. Play Button yau yan bay sart 有人被杀
Play Button Civilians have been killed. Play Button yau ping mun bay sart 有平民被杀
Play Button Names cannot be released until victims' relatives are notified. Play Button jik do tung dzee say tse chun suk, m hor yee gung bo sou hoi tse ge sing meng 直到通知死者亲属,唔可以公布受害者嘅姓名
Play Button The official spokesman is expected here soon. Play Button gwun fong fat yin yan ho fei chow wui ley do ley do 官方发言人好快就 会黎到呢度
Play Button Appropriate action will be taken. Play Button wui choy tsui sik dong heng dung 会采取适当行动
Play Button We take every report of wrongdoing very seriously. Play Button ngah day wui ho cheng chung schui ley fai fat heng dung ge po go 我哋会好郑重处理非法行动嘅报告
Play Button We have secured the area where the incident occurred. Play Button ngah day yee ging fung bai yin cheung ge chow waai 我哋己经封闭现场嘅周围
Play Button I am sorry but you have to wait for the report. Play Button dui m ju, dan haai lay day yiu dung po go 对唔住,但係你哋要等报告
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