How many homes have telephones here? |
kwaanto kaasaas cheeyehneh tehlehpoonos aakee? |
Cuanto casas tiene teleponos aqui? |
Is there a functioning police station? |
cheeyehneh baa taa paangseeyona pooleeseeya ehstaaseeyon? |
Tiene ba ta funciona policia estacion? |
How many personnel are still on the job? |
kwaanto pehRsoonaales yaa cheeyehneh paa taa tRaabaahaa? |
Cuanto personales ya tiene pa ta trabaja? |
What's the means of communication? |
kosaa el taa oosaa komooneekaaseeyon? |
Cosa el ta usa communicacion? |
Can the police station function normally without U.S. assistance? |
ehstaa pooleeseeya ehstaaseeyon taa pwehde maan poonseeyon noormaal maas kyehn noo waayee yoo-ehs aaseesto? |
Esta policia estacion ta fuede man funcion normal mas quen no wai U.S.assisto? |