Do you have fuel pits? |
chehney baa too kaaRbooRaantey hoyos? |
Tiene ba tu carburante hoyos? |
Are firefighters available during refueling? |
ehstos bombehRo deesponseebley kwaando taa maan gaasoleena? |
Estos bombero disponsible cuando ta man gasolina? |
How much fuel do your trucks hold? |
kwaanto kaaRbooRaantey taa puwehdey aagaaRaa ehl deetooyoo tRaks? |
Cuanto carburante ta puede agara el dituyu trucks? |
We need refueling. |
nehseyseeta kaamee maan gaasoleena |
Necesita cami man gasolina. |
Where will we be refueling? |
dondey keetaa maan gaasooleena? |
Donde quita man gasolina? |