Is your navigation system working? |
ehstos naabeegaaseeyon seestehmeh taa tRaabaaha? |
Estos navigacion sisteme ta travaja? |
I see the airfield. |
yaa meeRa yaa yo ehl laanding dey ehRoplaano |
Ya mira ya yu el landing de eroplano. |
I see the runway. |
yaa meeRa yaa yo ehl kaameeno dey ehRoplaano |
Ya mira ya yu el camino de eroplano. |
I've landed. |
yaa deeseembaaRgo yaa yo |
Ya descembargo ya yu. |
Is your Instrument Landing System (VOR, TACAN) working? |
ehstoy instRoomehnto laanding seestehma taa tRaabaaha? |
Estoy instrumento Landing Sistima ta travaja? |