What is the maximum weight the parking ramp can withstand? |
kosa ehl maakseemo kaaRga ehl Raam dee paaRaada puweydey soosteenaa? |
Cosa el maximo carga el ram de parada puede sustina? |
What is the total length of the runway? |
kosa ehl total laaRgo ehstaa laandingan dey ehRoplaano? |
Cosa el total largo esta landingan de eroplano? |
What is the width of the runway? |
kosa ehl aanchi dee ehsta laandingan dey ehRoplaano? |
Cosa el anchu di esta landingan de eroplano? |
What is the maximum weight the runway can stand? |
kosa ehl maakseemo peysaaw ehsta laandingan dee ehRoplaano puwehdey aagwaanta? |
Cosa el maximo pesao esta landingan di eroplano puede aguanta? |
What are the operational hours of your tower? |
kosa kosa ehl oRaas dehl opeRaasiyon naa deetooyoo toRey? |
Cosa cosa el horas del operacion na dituyu tore? |