We must spend the night here. |
nehsehseeta keeta doRmee aakee ehstaa nocheh |
Necesita quita dorme aqui esta noche. |
Is there a dining facility here? |
chehney baa paseeleedaad paaRa koomeeda aakee? |
Tiene ba facilidad para cumida aqui? |
How many kilometers to the nearest town? |
kwaanto keelomehtRos ehstaa seRka naa puwehblo? |
Cuanto kilometros esta serca na pueblo? |
Are there any hotels near here? |
chehney baa maangaa hotehl seRka aakee? |
Tiene ba manga hotel serca aqui? |
Are there any restaurants near here? |
chehney baa maangaa RestoRaantey seRka aakee? |
Tiene ba manga restaurante serca aqui? |