This tube will help you breathe better. |
ehstey tooboo aayooda konteego paaRa RehspeeRaa bwehnaa mehntey |
Este tubu ayuda contego para respira buena mente. |
This tube may feel uncomfortable. |
ehstey tooboo taa daaley konteego no bweyno beedaa |
Este tubu ta dale contigo no bueno vida. |
I need to put a tube through your nose to your stomach. |
nehsehseeta yo eechaa tooboo naa dee tooyoo naaRees aastaa naa deetooyoo baaReegaa |
Necesita yu echa tubu na ditu yu nariz asta na dituyu barega. |
You need to swallow while I put this tube in your nose. |
nehsehseetaa too tRaagaa kwaando taa eechaa yo ehstey tooboo naa dee tooyoo naaRees |
Necesita tu traga cuando ta echa yu este tubu na dituyu nariz. |
Drink this while I gently place the tube into your nose. |
toomaa too ehstey kwaando tee eechaa yo kon kweedaaw ehste tooboo naa dee tooyoo naaRees |
Tuma tu este cuando ta echa yu con cuedao este tubu na dituyu nariz. |