
Countries in Perspective

Countries in Perspective
Rapport Deployment Language & Culture Downrange

About Countries in Perspective

The Countries in Perspective program introduces users to a particular country through its Geography, History, Economy, Society, and Security issues. In-depth background information and insightful analysis blends with interactive multimedia pieces. Easily navigated by topic, these country studies offer a pragmatic yet engaging approach in viewing a region within its larger context.

About Technology Integration at DLIFLC

In support of DLIFLC, DoD, and other Federal Agencies' global missions, the Technology Integration Division of the Defense Language Institute Foreign Language Center delivers language and cultural instructional materials using cutting-edge technology.

The series is meticulously developed, researched, written, designed, and programmed by Technology Integration Division team members. In each case, the content is carefully reviewed by natives of the particular country in order to guarantee authenticity and cultural integrity.

For questions or comments, please contact: pres.FamProject@dliflc.edu