The name of the village |
naame qaReeya |
نام قریه |
The location of the village |
mawq'eeyate qaReeya |
موقعییت قریه |
Is there road access for cars? |
saRake motaR Raw aanjaa Rafta as? |
سرک موتر رو آنجا رفته اس؟ |
Is there a road access for four-wheel drive? |
motaR haaye kumak daaR aanjaa Rafta meetaana? |
موترهای کمک دار آنجا رفته میتانه؟ |
Is there a road access for trucks? |
laaRy aanjaa Rafta meetaana? |
لاری آنجا رفته میتانه؟ |
Is the road accessible in the winter? |
saRak daR aanjaa daR zemistaan qaabele 'ubooR as? |
سرک در آنجا در زمستان قابل عبور اس؟ |
What is the number of the current population? |
fe'lan nafoose aanjaa chand as? |
فعلا نفوس آنجا چند اس؟ |
How many children are there? |
te'daade atfaale aanjaa chiqadaR as? |
تعداد اطفال انجا چقدر اس؟ |
How many men are there? |
te'daade maRdhaa chand as? |
تعداد مردها چند اس؟ |
How many women are there? |
te'daade zanhaa chand as? |
تعداد زنها چند اس؟ |
How many locals are there? |
baashindagaane mahal chand as? |
باشنده گان محل چند اس؟ |
How many refugees are there? |
baashindegaane mohaajeR chand as? |
باشنده گان مهاجر چند اس؟ |
How many returnees are there? |
te'daade owdat kunandagaan chand as? |
تعداد عودت کنندگان چند اس؟ |
Who is the community leader? |
qaayed yaa RahbaRe in mahal kees? |
قاید یا رهبر این محل کیس؟ |
Who is responsible for food distribution? |
kee masoo-le tawz' mawaade ghezaayee as? |
کی مسول توزیع مواد غذایی اس؟ |
Where is the local warehouse? |
gudaame mahal daR kujaa as? |
گدام محل در کجا اس؟ |
Is there a storage facility? |
daR injaa kudaam jaayee baRaaye zaKheeRa mawaad as? |
در اینجا کدام جایی برای ذخیره مواد اس؟ |
Is this village used for secondary distribution? |
aayaa az in qaReeya baRaaye tawz' saanawee kaR giRifta meesha? |
آیا از این قریه برای توزیع ثانوی کارگرفته میشه؟ |
Which villages receive assistance from this village? |
kudaam qaReeyahaa azin qaReeya mawade emdaadee aKhz meekunan. |
کدام قریه ها ازین قریه مواد امدادی اخذ میکنن؟ |
How many damaged houses in this village? |
chee te'daad Khaanahaaye wayRaan shuda daR in qaReeya as? |
چه تعداد خانه های ویران شده در این قریه اس؟ |
How many unfinished houses in this village? |
chee te'daad Khaana haaye neema kaaRa daRin qaReeya as? |
چه تعداد خانه های نیمه کاره درین قریه اس؟ |
Was there any new war damage to buildings since before the conflict? |
aayaa KhesaaRaate jang ba ta'meeRha pesh az in ham wojood daasht? |
ایا خسارات جنگ به تعمیرها پیش ازین هم وجود داشت؟ |
Is there a school in the village? |
daR in qaaReeya maktab ast? |
درین قریه مکتب است؟ |
Is there a mosque / church in the village? |
daR in qaReeya masjed / kaleesaa wojood daaRa? |
درین قریه مسجد / کلیسا وجود داره؟ |
Is there a bakery? |
daR in qaReeya naanwaa-ee ast? |
درین قریه نانوایی اس؟ |