We must spend the night here. |
muDTareen ni-Dee il leyla hina |
مُضْطَرّين نِقضي الليلة هِنا |
Is there a dining facility here? |
hal fee meys hina? |
هَل في مِس هِنا؟ |
How many kilometers to the nearest town? |
kaam keelomitr min hina le-a-rab madeena? |
كام كيلومتر من هِنا لأقرب مَدينَة؟ |
Are there any hotels near here? |
fee ay lokaanda urayiba min hina? |
في أي لوكاندة قُريبَة مِن هِنا؟ |
Are there any restaurants near here? |
fee ay maTaa'im urayiba min hina? |
في أي مَطاعِم قريبة مِن هِنا؟ |