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Play Button Are you having pain? Play Button inta Haasis bewaga'? إنت حاسس بوجع؟
Play Button Where are you having pain? Play Button feyn il makaan ilee beyooga'? فين المكان اللي بيوجع؟
Play Button Is the pain here? Play Button il waga' hina? الوجع هنا؟
Play Button Does anything make the pain better? Play Button fee ay Haaga bitKhalee il waga' a-al? في أي حاجة بتخللي الوجع أقل؟
Play Button Does anything make the pain worse? Play Button fee ay Haaga bitKhalee il waga' aktar? في أي حاجة بتخللي الوجع أكتر؟
Play Button Did the pain start today? Play Button il waga' bada in nahaarda? الوجع بدأ النهارده؟
Play Button How many days have you had the pain? Play Button min kaam yom il waga' dah 'andak? من كام يوم الوجع ده عندك؟
Play Button Describe the pain on a scale from 1 to 10. Play Button oSif lee il waga' bidaraga min 'ashara اوصف لي الوجع بدرجة من عشرة
Play Button 10 is the worst possible pain, and 1 is no pain at all. Play Button 'ashara aswa Haaga wu waaHid mafeesh waga' KhaaliS عشرة أسوأ حاجة وواحد مفيش وجع خالص
Play Button Hold up the number of fingers. Play Button wareenee ir raqam beSawaab'ak وريني الرقم بصوابعك
Play Button What is the main problem? Play Button ey il mushkila il asaaseeya? إية المشكلة الأساسية؟
Play Button How long have you had the pain? Play Button min imta wu inta 'andak it ta'ab dah? من إمتى وإنت عندك التعب ده؟
Play Button Show me where the pain started. Play Button wareenee it ta'ab bada feyn وريني التعب بدأ فين
Play Button Does the pain go to the back? Play Button it ta'ab waaSil lewara? التعب واصل لورا؟
Play Button Does the pain go to the testicles? Play Button it ta'ab waaSil lil KhiSya? التعب واصل للخصية؟
Play Button Does this pain go to the groin? Play Button it ta'ab waaSil lil faKhd? التعب واصل للفخد؟
Play Button Is this a sharp pain? Play Button il alam shideed? الألم شديد؟
Play Button Is this a dull pain? Play Button il alam dah baseeT? الألم ده بسيط؟
Play Button Is this a cramping pain? Play Button dah alam taquluSaat? ده ألم تقلصات؟
Play Button Is this a constant pain? Play Button il alam mustamir? الألم مستمر؟
Play Button Is this an intermittent pain? Play Button il alam mutaqaTi'? الألم متقطع؟
Play Button Is this a mild pain? Play Button il alam Khafeef? الألم خفيف؟
Play Button Is this a moderate pain? Play Button il alam mutawasiT? الألم متوسط؟
Play Button Is this a severe pain? Play Button il alam shideed awee? الألم شديد قوي؟
Play Button Is this the worst pain you ever had? Play Button dah aswa alam Haseyt beeh fee Hayaatak? ده أسوأ ألم حسيت بيه في حياتك؟
Play Button Is there anything that relieves the pain symptom? Play Button fee ay Haaga bitKhafif a'raaD il alam dah? في أي حاجة بتخفف أعراض الألم ده؟
Play Button Is there anything that worsens the pain symptom? Play Button fee ay Haaga bitzawid a'raaD il alam dah? في أي حاجة بتزود أعراض الألم ده؟
Play Button Have you seen a doctor or anyone about this? Play Button ruHt leduktoor aw le ay Had beKhuSooS il alam dah? رحت لدكتور أو لأي حد بخصوص الألم ده؟
Play Button What medicines are you taking? Play Button ey id dawa ilee bitaaKhdoo? إيه الدوا اللي بتآخْدُه؟
Play Button Are you experiencing fevers? Play Button 'andak dor Huma? عندك دور حُمى؟
Play Button Are you experiencing chills? Play Button 'andak ra'sha? عندك رعشة؟
Play Button Are you experiencing nausea? Play Button Haasis bit targee'? حاسس بالترجيع؟
Play Button Are you experiencing vomiting? Play Button bitraga'? بترجع؟
Play Button Are you experiencing diarrhea? Play Button 'andak dor is-haal? عندك دور إسهال؟
Play Button Are you experiencing loss of appetite? Play Button maalaksh nifs taakul? مالكش نفس تآكُل؟
Play Button Are you experiencing headaches? Play Button 'andak Sudaa'? عندك صُداع؟
Play Button Are you experiencing visual disturbances? Play Button 'andak zaghlala fee in nazar? عندك زغللة في النظر؟
Play Button Are you experiencing numbness or tingling? Play Button 'andak tanmeel aw shaka Khafeefa? عندك تنميل أو شكة خفيفة؟
Play Button Are you experiencing bleeding by mouth or rectum? Play Button 'andak nazeef min il fam aw il mustaqeem? عندك نزيف من الفم أو المستقيم؟
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