Everything will be done to make you feel better again. |
kul Haaga Hatit'amal 'alashaan tirga' kwayis taanee |
كل حاجة حتتعمل علشان ترجع كويس تاني |
You are only slightly wounded. |
inta mitSaab iSaaba Khafeefa |
إنت متصاب إصابة خفيفة |
You will soon be up again. |
HatKhif besur'a |
حتخف بسرعة |
Your condition is serious, but you will get better. |
Haltak KhaTeera bas HatKhif |
حالتك خطيرة بس حتخف |
You will get better if you let us take care of you. |
HatKhif law sibtina ni'tinee beek |
حتخف لو سيبتنا نعتني بيك |
We had to remove this. |
iHna iDTareyna nisheel dah |
إحنا اضطرينا نشيل ده |
We tried, but we could not save this. |
iHna Hawilna bas ma-dirnaash ninqiz dah |
إحنا حاولنا بس مقدرناش ننقذ ده |
You were hurt very badly. |
inta itSabt iSaaba gaamda |
إنت إتصبت إصابة جامدة |
You will be fine. |
Hatib-a tamaam / 'aal il 'aal |
حتبقى تمام / عال العال |
You will need time to heal. |
inta HatiHtaag wa-t 'alashaan tiKhif |
إنت حتحتاج وقت علشان تخف |