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Play Button I do not wish to give an interview. Play Button mish 'aayez a'mil mu-aabla مِِش عايز أعمل مُقابلة
Play Button He does not wish to give an interview. Play Button mish 'aayez ye'mil mu-aabla مِش عايز يعمل مُقابلة
Play Button She does not wish to give an interview. Play Button mish 'aayeza te'mil mu-aabla مِش عايزَة تِعمل مُقابلة
Play Button I am not qualified to answer that question. Play Button maa adarsh agaaweb 'ala is soo-aal dah ما أقدرش أجاوب على السّؤال دَه
Play Button She is not qualified to answer that question. Play Button maa te-darsh tegaaweb 'ala is soo-aal dah ما تقدرش تِجاوب على السّؤال دَه
Play Button He is not qualified to answer that question. Play Button maa ye-darsh yegaaweb 'ala is soo-aal dah ما يقدرش يجاوب على السّؤال دَه
Play Button He does not want to answer that question. Play Button huwa mish 'aayez yegaaweb 'ala is soo-aal dah هُوَ مِش عايز يجاوب على السّؤال دَه
Play Button She does not want to answer that question. Play Button heya mish 'aayeza tegaaweb 'ala is soo-aal dah هِيَ مِش عايزة تِجاوب على السّؤال دَه
Play Button I will not answer this question. Play Button mish Hagaaweb 'ala is soo-aal dah مِش حَاجاوب على السّؤال دَه
Play Button I have no answer at this time. Play Button maa 'andeesh igaaba dil wa-tee ما عَنْديش إجابَة دِلْوَقتي
Play Button I would like to stop this interview. Play Button 'aayez anhee il mu-aabla dee عايز أنهي المُقابلَة دي
Play Button She would like to stop this interview. Play Button 'aayeza tinhee il mu-aabla dee عايزة تنهي المُقابلَة دي
Play Button He would like to stop this interview. Play Button 'aayez yinhee il mu-aabla dee عايز ينهي المُقابلَة دي
Play Button No comment Play Button laa ta'leeq لا تعليق
Play Button Can you please ask the question in simpler language? Play Button mumkin law samaHt tebasaT is so-aal? مُمكِن لو سَمَحْت تِبَسط السّؤال؟
Play Button This interview is over. Play Button intahet il mu-aabla إنتهت المُقابلَة
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