I am not an official spokesperson. |
anaa moo naaTiq rasmee |
آنا مو ناطق رسمي |
Please wait for the public affairs representative. |
rajaa-an inTur mumathil maktab al 'ilaaqaat |
رجاءً إنطر ممثل مكتب العلاقات |
I can only tell you what I know. |
agdar agoolak ilee a'rufo |
أگدر أگلك إللي أعرفه |
The situation is under control. |
al mawqif taHt al sayTara |
الموقف تحت السيطرة |
We are doing everything we can to restore order. |
iHna insawee kul shee Hata inHaafiDh 'ala il waDhi' |
إحنا نسوي كل شي حتى نحافظ على الوضع |
We are doing everything we can to protect lives. |
iHna insawee kul shee Hata niHmee Hayaat an naas |
إحنا نسوي كل شي حتى نحمي حياة الناس |
We are doing everything we can to save lives. |
iHna insawee kul shee Hata nenquTh Hayaat an naas |
إحنا نسوي كل شي حتى ننقذ حياة الناس |
There was an incident. |
chee fee Haadith |
چي في حادث |
The incident is under investigation. |
il Haadith taHt it taHqeeq |
الحادث تحت التحقيق |
We are taking this matter very seriously. |
iHna maKhTheen il qaDhiya ibjidiya |
إحنا ماخذين القضية بجدية |
People have been killed. |
naas maatoo |
ناس ماتو |
Civilians have been killed. |
madaniyeen maatoo |
مدنيين ماتو |
Names cannot be released until victims' relatives are notified. |
al-asmaa matiDh har Hata inKhabur garaayib al DhaHaaya |
الأسماء ما تظهر حتى نخبر گرايب الضحايا |
The official spokesman is expected here soon. |
an naaTiq ar rasmee raH yeejee ba'ad ishwaya |
الناطق الرسمي راح يجي بعد شويه |
Appropriate action will be taken. |
il-ijraa-aat il laazima raH titeKhiTh |
الإجراءات إللازمة راح تتخذ |
We take every report of wrongdoing very seriously. |
iHna naKhuTh il taqaareer 'an kul 'amal ghalaT ib shekil jidee |
احنا ناخذ التقارير عن كل عمل غلط بشكل جدي |
We have secured the area where the incident occurred. |
iHna amana il manTiqa ilee Saar beeha al Haadith |
احنا أمّنا المنطقة إللي صار بيها الحادث |
I am sorry but you have to wait for the report. |
anaa mit-asif laazim tintiDhir al taqreer |
آنا متأسف لازم تنتظرالتقرير |