How many locals are there? |
chand taa aadam e mahhalee has? |
چند تا آدم محلی هس؟ |
How many refugees are there? |
chand taa aadam e aavaaRe has? |
چند تا آدم آواره هس؟ |
How many returnees are there? |
chand taa aadam has ke baRgashtan saR e Khonehaashoon? |
چند تا آدم هس که برگشتن سر خونه هاشون؟ |
Who is the community leader? |
Reesh sefeed e mahal keeye? |
ريش سفيد محل کيه؟ |
Who is responsible for food distribution? |
mas-ool e paKhsh e ghazaa keeye? |
مسئول پخش غذا کيه؟ |
Where is the local warehouse? |
aanbaaR e mahalee kojaas? |
انبار محلی کجاس؟ |
Is there a storage facility? |
eenjaa aanbaaR has? |
اينجا انبار هس؟ |
Is this village used for secondary distribution? |
aaz een deh vaase ye paKhsh e doobaaRe ye ghazaa estefaade meeshe? |
از اين ده واسه پخش دوباره غذا استفاده ميشه؟ |
Which villages receive assistance from this village? |
kodoom dehaa aaz een deh komak meegeeRan? |
کدوم دها از اين ده کمک ميگيرن؟ |
How many damaged houses in this village? |
chand taa Khoone too ye een deh KhaRaab shode? |
چند تا خونه تو اين ده خراب شده؟ |
How many unfinished houses in this village? |
chand taa Khoone ye neeme kaaRe tooye een deh has? |
چند تا خونه ی نيمه کاره تو اين ده هس؟ |
Was there any new war damage to buildings since before the conflict? |
peesh aaz een jang saaKhtemaanee ke too jang KhaRaab shode baashe has? |
پيش از اين جنگ ساختمونی که تو جنگ خراب شده باشه هس؟ |
Is there a school in the village? |
too een deh madRese has? |
تو اين ده مدرسه هس؟ |
Is there a mosque/church in the village? |
too een deh masjed / keleesaa has? |
تو اين ده مسجد / کلیسا هس؟ |
Is there a bakery? |
noonvaa-ee has? |
نونوايی هس؟ |