Let me put you in contact with someone who can help you. |
bezaaR too Roo be kesee ke betoone komaket kone mo'aRefee konam |
بذار تو رو به کسی که بتونه کمکت کنه معرفی کنم |
I will take you to him. |
to Roo peesh e oon meebaRam |
تو رو پيش اون ميبرم |
The person in charge is ___. |
mas-ool esmesh ___ e |
مسئول اسمش ___ اِ |
In order to be compensated for damages, you must talk to ___. |
baayad baa ___ haRf bezanee taa KhesaaRat e too jobRaan konan |
بايد با ___ حرف بزنی تا خسارتتو جبران کنه |
What is your name? |
esmet cheeya? |
اسمت چيه؟ |
Where do you live? / What is your address? |
kojaa meesheenee? / aadReset cheeye? |
کجا ميشينی؟ / آدرست چيه؟ |
What happened to your car? |
maasheenet chetooR shode? |
ماشينت چطور شده؟ |
What kind of car is it? (year, make, model) |
maasheenet cheeye? (saalesh, maaRkesh, modelesh) |
ماشينت چي؟ (سالش، مارکش، مدلش) |
Show me your car registration. |
daftaRche ye maalekeeyat e maasheen e too neshoonam bede |
دفترچه مالکيت ماشينتو نشونم بده |
Where is your car right now? |
maasheenet haalaa kojaas? |
ماشينت حالا کجاس؟ |
Is your car drivable? |
maasheenet kaaR meekone? |
ماشينت کار ميکنه؟ |
Can you bring your car here? |
meetoonee maasheenetoo beeyaaRee eenjaa? |
ميتونی ماشينتو بياری اينجا؟ |
Where did the accident happen? |
tasaadof kojaa etefaaq oftaad? |
تصادف کجا اتفاق افتاد؟ |
When did the accident happen? |
tasaadof kay etefaaq oftaad? |
تصادف کی اتفاق افتاد؟ |
What Civilian Forces’ vehicle damaged your car? |
kodoom maasheen e neeRoohaayee gheeR e nezaamee be maasheenet KhesaaRat zad? |
کدوم ماشين نيروهای غير نظامی به ماشينت خسارت زد؟ |
What soldiers were involved in the accident? |
kodoom saRbaazaa mas-ool e oon tasaadof boodan? |
کدوم سربازا مسئول اون تصادف بودن؟ |
Thank you for your time. |
motshakeRam |
متشکرم |
I appreciate your patience. |
mamnoonam ke eenqadR sabRootahamol daashtee |
ممنونم که اينقد صبر و تحمل داشتی |
In order to be compensated for damages, you must fill out this document. |
baayaad een madRako poR konee taa KhesaaRateto bepaRdaazeem |
بايد اين مدرکو پر کنی تا خسارتتو بپردازيم |
In order to be compensated for damages, you must see ___. |
baayad beRee peesh e ___ taa KhesaaRatet paRdaaKht beshe |
بايد بری پيش ___ تا خسارتت پرداخت بشه |