Where can we purchase meat? |
aaz kojaa meetooneem goosht beKhaReem? |
از کجا ميتونيم گوشت بخريم؟ |
Where can we purchase vegetables and fruit? |
aaz kojaa meetooneem meeve va sabzeejaat beKhaReem? |
از کجا ميتونيم ميوه و سبزيجات بخريم؟ |
Where can we purchase bread and grains? |
aaz kojaa meetooneem noon o hobobaat beKhaReem? |
از کجا ميتونيم نون و حبوبات بخريم؟ |
Where can we purchase dairy products? |
aaz kojaa meetoneem labaneeyaat beKhaReem? |
از کجا ميتونيم لبنيات بخريم؟ |
Where can we purchase water? |
aaz kojaa meetooneem aab beKhaReem? |
از کجا ميتونيم آب بخريم؟ |
We need to examine the herd. |
baayad gala Roo mo'aaeene koneem |
بايد گله رو معاينه کنيم |
We need to examine the animals on the farm. |
baayad heevoonaaye too ye mazRa'aRo mo'aaeene koneem |
بايد حيوونای تو مزرعه رو معاينه کنيم |
We need to inspect the slaughterhouse for sanitation. |
baayad koshtaaRgaah oo aaz nazaR e behdaashtee baazRasee kooneem |
بايد کشتارگاهو از نظر بهداشتی بازرسی کنيم |
We need to inspect the bakery for sanitation. |
baayad nonvaa-ee Roo aaz nazaR e behdaashtee baazRasee koneem |
بايد نونوايی رو از نظر بهداشتی بازرسی کنيم |
We need to inspect the dairy plant. |
baayad mahal e taheeye labaneeyaatoo aaz nazaR e behdaashtee baazRasee koneem |
بايد محل تهيه لبنیياتو از نظر بهداشتی بازرسی کنيم |
We need to inspect the poultry plant. |
baayad moRghdaaRee Roo aaz nazaR e behdaashtee baazRasee koneem |
بايد مرغداری رو از نظر بهداشتی بازرسی کنيم |
When was the last time these animals were inoculated? |
aaKhaReen baaRee ke be heevoonaa vaaksan zadeen kay bood? |
آخرين باری که به حيوونا واکسن زدين کی بود؟ |
Do they need to be vaccinated? |
meeKhaaee behetoon vaaksan bezaneem? |
ميخوای بهتون واکسن بزنيم؟ |
We can provide vaccinations. |
meetooneem vaaksan behetoon bedeem |
ميتونيم واکسن بهتون بديم |
This food is spoiled; please do not eat it. |
een ghazaa faasede, lotfan naKhoReenesh |
اين غذا فاسده، لطفاً نخوریدش |