Is there a medical facility nearby? |
een taRfaa maRkaz e daRmaanee has? |
اين طرفا مرکز درمانی هس؟ |
Are there any doctors in the area? |
too een manteqe doktoR has? |
تو اين منطقه دکتر هس؟ |
How many beds do you have at the medical facility? |
too maRkaz e daRmaanee chand taa taKht has? |
تو مرکز درمانی چند تا تخت هس؟ |
How many people work at the hospital? |
chand nafaR too beemaaRestaan kaaR meekonan? |
چند نفر تو بيمارستان کار می کنن؟ |
How many nurses? |
chand taa paRastaaR has? |
چند تا پرستار هس؟ |
Has there been any infectious disease in the area lately? |
aKheeRan maRazaay e vaageeRdaaR too een manteqe boode? |
اخيراً مرضای واگيردار تو اين منطقه بوده؟ |
Is there a pharmacy? |
eenjaa daaRooKhane has? |
اينجا داروخانه هس؟ |
Is there a building where we could set up a medical facility? |
saaKhtemonee has ke toosh ye maRkaz e daRmaanee doRost koneem? |
ساختمونی هس که توش يه مرکز درمانی درست کنيم؟ |
We would like to talk to people about immunization. |
meeKhaaeel baa maRdom Raaje' be vaakssenaasouyn haRf bezaneem |
می خوايم با مردم راجع به واکسيناسيون حرف بزنيم |
We would like to talk to people about sanitization. |
meeKhaaeem baa maRdom Raage' be behdaasht e o'moomee haRf bezaneem |
می خوايم با مردم راجع به بهداشت عمومی حرف بزنيم |
Is there a medical emergency facility? |
eenjaa ye maRkaz e ooRzhaans has? |
اينجا يه مرکز اورژانس هس؟ |
We have to establish a safe working environment. |
baayad ye moheet e kaaRee e amnee doRost koneem |
بايد يه محيط کاری امنی درست کنيم |
We have to hire medical doctors for this facility. |
baayad baRaaee e een maRkaz doktoR esteKhdaam koneem |
بايد برا اين مرکز دکتر استخدام کنيم |
We have to hire nurses for this facility. |
baayad baRaaee e een maRkaz paRstaaR esteKhdaam koneem |
بايد برا اين مرکز پرستار استخدام کنيم |
We have to hire office personnel for this facility. |
baayad baRaaee e een maRkaz kaaRmand esteKhdaam koneem |
بايد برا اين مرکز کارمند استخدام کنيم |
We have to hire a custodian for this facility. |
baayad baRaaee e een edaaRe seRaaeedaaR esteKhdaam koneem |
بايد برا اين اداره سرايدار استخدام کنيم |
Are the local facilities and personnel able to care for the current casualties without U.S. aid? |
maRkez e daRmaanee mahalee va peRsonelesh meetonan bedoon e komak e aamReekaa be zaKhmeeya beResan? |
مراکز درمانی محلی و پرسنلش می تونن بدون کمک آمريکا به زخميا برسن؟ |
Is the local drinking water potable? |
aab e eenjaa KhoRdanee ye? |
آب اينجا خوردنيه؟ |
Who determined that the water is potable? |
kee gofte ke aab KhoRdanee ye? |
کی گفته که آب خوردنيه؟ |