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Play Button How many people live in this area? Play Button too een manteqe chand nafaR zendegee meekonan? تو اين منطقه چند نفر زندگی ميکنن؟
Play Button How many water wells do you have in this area? Play Button too een manteqe chand taa chaah e aab daaReen? تو اين منطقه چند تا چاه آب دارين؟
Play Button Do you have a sewage system in this area? Play Button too een manteqe faazelaab daaReen? تو اين منطقه فاضلاب دارين؟
Play Button How far are the latrines from the water wells? Play Button faasele e mostaRaah haa baa chaahaaye aab cheqadRe? فاصله مستراحا با چاهای آب چقدره؟
Play Button What type of herds graze in this area? Play Button too een manteqe che jooR daamee meechaRe? تو اين منطقه چه جور دامی ميچره؟
Play Button Is there a veterinarian? Play Button eenjaa daampezeshk has? اينجا دامپزشک هس؟
Play Button Are there any factories in the area? Play Button too een manteqe kaaRKhoonejaat has? تو اين منطقه کارخونه جات هس؟
Play Button Is there a river nearby? Play Button een nazdekeehaa RoodKhoone has? اين نزديکيا رودخونه هس؟
Play Button Where do you get electricity from? Play Button baRqetoonoo aaz kojaa meegeReen? برقتونو از کجا ميگيرين؟
Play Button Is there a power plant nearby? Play Button een nazdeekeeyaa neeRoogaah e baRq has? اين نزديکيا نيروگاه برق هس؟
Play Button What kind of electrical appliances do people use? Play Button maRdom aaz che jooR vasaaeel e baRqee estefaade meekonan? مردم از چه جور وسايل برقی استفاده ميکنن؟
Play Button Do you use electric stoves? Play Button aaz ojaaq e baaRqee estefaade meekoneed? از اجاق برقی استفاده ميکنید؟
Play Button Have there been forest fires in the area? Play Button too een manteqe aatashsoozee too jangal shode? تو اين منطقه آتش سوزی تو جنگل شده؟
Play Button Are there any gas pipes around here? Play Button een taRafaa loolehaaee e gaaz has? اين طرفا لوله های گاز هس؟
Play Button Do you use gas to heat homes around here? Play Button een taRafaa aaz gaaz baRaaee e gaRmaa estefaade meekoneed? اين طرفا از گاز برا گرما استفاده ميکنید؟
Play Button Is gas used for cooking? Play Button aaz gaaz baRaaee e poKhtoopaz estefaade meeshe? از گاز برا پختوپز استفاده ميشه؟
Play Button Do you use propane gas tanks? Play Button aaz kapsool e gaaz estefaade meekoneed? از کپسول گاز استفاده ميکنید؟
Play Button Where do you get propane gas tanks supplied from? Play Button kapsool e gaaz aaz kojaa taheeye meekoneed? کپسول گاز از کجا تهيه ميکنید؟
Play Button Is there anyone to inspect home gas appliances? Play Button kesse has ke vasaaeel e gaazee e Khoonegee Roo kontRol kone? کسی هس که وسايل گازی خونگی رو کنترل کنه؟
Play Button Is there an electrician here? Play Button eenjaa tekneesyan e baRq has? اينجا تکنيسين برق هس؟
Play Button Is there a water supply system to households? Play Button Khoonehaa loolekeshee e aab daaRan? خونه ها لوله کشی آب دارن؟
Play Button Where is the facility located? Play Button oon maRkaz kojaas? اون مرکز کجاس؟
Play Button How many people operate the system? Play Button chand nafaR oon seestemoo Raah meeaandaazan? چند نفر اون سيستمو راه ميندازن؟
Play Button Is it connected to other water supply systems? Play Button een seestem e loolekeshee aab be seestemaaee dege vasle? اين سيستمه لوله کشی آب به سيستمای ديگه وصله؟
Play Button Is it functional? Play Button Khoob kaaR meekone? خوب کار ميکنه؟
Play Button Where are the sources of raw water? Play Button manaabe' e aab e tasfeeye nashode kojas? منابع آب تصفيه نشده کجاس؟
Play Button Is it polluted? Play Button aaloodeas? آلودس؟
Play Button Is there a water treatment used? Play Button seestem e tasfeeye aab has? سيستمه تصفيه آب هس؟
Play Button Is it chemical? Play Button oon seestem sheemyaaee ye? اون سيستم شيميايه؟
Play Button Is it through filtration? Play Button oon seestem feelteR daaRe? اون سيستم فيلتر داره؟
Play Button Is it by sedimentation? Play Button oon seestem Rosoobee ye? اون سيستم رسوبيه؟
Play Button Where is the pumping station? Play Button dastgaah e pompesh kojas? دستگاه پمپش کجاس؟
Play Button How many people are needed to keep the system functional? Play Button chand nafaR laazem daaReen taa oon seestemoo be Khoobee edaaRe koonan? چند نفر لازم دارين تا اون سيستمو به خوبی اداره کنن؟
Play Button We've heard that there have been some problems with sewage in this neighborhood. Play Button sheneedeem ke seestem e faazelaab e een mahele KhaRaab boode شنيديم که سيستمه فاضلاب اين محله خراب بوده
Play Button Do you have indoor plumbing? Play Button Khoonatoon loolekeshee shode? خونه تون لوله کشی شده؟
Play Button Do you have any problems with your plumbing? Play Button loolekeshee e Khoonatoon 'eebee daaRe? لوله کشی خونه تون عيبی داره؟
Play Button Does your toilet work? Play Button mostaRaahetoon kaaR meekone? مستراحتون کار ميکنه؟
Play Button How many toilets do you have in the house? Play Button chand taa mostaRaah too Khoonatoon daaReen? چند تا مستراح تو خونه تون دارين؟
Play Button Do you have a septic tank? Play Button maKhzan e aab daaReen? مخزن آب دارين؟
Play Button Is there anyone who can fix your sewer? Play Button kesee has ke seestem e faazelaabetoonoo doRos kone? کسی هس که سيستم فاضلابتونو درس کنه؟
Play Button Have you contacted anyone regarding this problem? If so who? Play Button baa kesee tamaas geRefteed ke beeyaad doRostesh kone? oon keeye? با کسی تماس گرفتید که بياد درسش کنه؟ اون کيه؟
Play Button When did you contact them? Play Button kay baa oon tamaas geRefteed? کی با اون تماس گرفتید؟
Play Button I will report this higher up and see if there is something we can do to fix the sewage problem. Play Button een moozoo'oo be baalaa dasteehaam gozaaResh meekonam taa bebeenam kasee meetoone KhaRaabee ye faazelaabetoonoo doRos kone اين موضوعو به بالا دستيام گزارش ميکنم تا ببينيم کسی ميتونه خرابی فاضلابتونو درس کنه
Play Button We will contact the sewage company and find out what is being done to correct the problem. Play Button baa saazmaan e faazelaab tamaas meegeeReem jaa bebeeneem baRa ta'meeR e seestemetoon chekaaR daaRan meekonan با سازمان فاضلاب تماس ميگيريم تا ببينيم برا تعمير سيستمتون چکار دارن ميکنن
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