Who now occupies your farm? |
mazRa'at haalaa dase keeye? |
مزرعه ات حالا دس کيه؟ |
Have you talked with them? |
baa oonaa haRf zadee? |
با اونا حرف زدی؟ |
Do you have documentation? |
sanado madRake maalekeeyyat daaRee? |
سند و مدرک مالکيت داری؟ |
Do you think it's dangerous? |
fekR meekonee KhataRnaake? |
فکر ميکنی خطرناکه؟ |
I will contact the appropriate authorities to investigate this matter. |
man baa maqaamaat e mas-ool tamaas meegeeRam taa Raaje' be een moozoo' Reseedegee konan |
من با مقامات مسئول تماس ميگيرم تا راجع به اين موضوع رسيدگی کنن |
Please know we will assist you. |
lotfan motavajeh baash ke maa meeKhaaeem komaket koneem |
لطفاً متوجه باش که ما ميخوايم کمکت کنيم |
You must allow the local authorities to conduct their investigation. |
to baayad ejaaze bedee maqaamaat e mahallee tahqeeqaateshoonoo bokonan |
تو بايد اجازه بدی مقامات محلی تحقيقاتشونو بکنن |
You must go to the base and speak with an interpreter. |
too baayad beRee paadegaan va baa ye motaRjem haRf bezanee |
تو بايد بری پادگان و با يه مترجم حرف بزنی |
The name of the owner |
esm e maalek |
اسم مالک |
The name of the property |
esm e melk |
اسم ملک |