Put your hands on the steering wheel and do not move them. |
dasaatoo Rooye faRmon e maasheen bezaaR va tekoon naKhooR |
دساتو رو فرمون ماشين بذار و تکون نخور |
You are breaking the curfew. |
too baR Khalaf e moqaRaRaat e hokoomat e nezaamee 'amal kaRdee |
تو بر خلاف مقررات حکومت نظامی عمل کردی |
You were speeding. |
too soRa't daashtee |
تو سرعت داشتی |
The curfew is in effect. |
haalaa saa'at e hokoomat nezaamee ye |
حالا ساعت حکومت نظاميه |
Did you know there is a curfew? |
meedonestee hokoomat nezaamee e'laam shode? |
ميدونستی حکومت نظامی اعلام شده؟ |
Do you have a gun under the seat? |
zeeR e sandalee aslehe daaRee? |
زير صندلی اسلحه داری؟ |
Are you hiding anything illegal? |
jens e mamnoo'e qaaeeym kaRdee? |
جنس ممنوعه قايم کردی؟ |
Since you broke the law, we have to arrest you. |
to Roo baazdaasht meekonam chon Khalaaf kaRdee |
تو رو بازداشت ميکنيم چون خلاف کردی |
You will ride with us to the police station. |
baayad baa maa savaaR shee taa bebaReemet kalantaRee |
بايد با ما سوار شی تا ببريمت کلاونتری |
We detained this man at ___. |
maa een maRdo too ___ dastgeeR kaRdeem |
ما اين مردو تو ___ دستگير کرديم |