Let us examine your child in private. |
bezaaR bachatoo betooR e Khosoosee mo'aaeene koneem |
بذار بچتو بطور خصوصی معاینه کنیم |
Your child will get better soon. |
bachat zood Khoob meeshe |
بچت زود خوب میشه |
This medicine will help your child. |
een davaa be bachat komak meekone |
این دوا به بچت کمک میکنه |
Did your child eat today? |
emRooz bachat ghazaa KhooRde? |
امروز بچت غذا خورده؟ |
Did your child eat yesterday? |
deeRooz bachat ghazaa KhooRd? |
دیروز بچت غذا خورد؟ |
Has your child passed urine today? |
emRooz bachat edRaaR kaRde? |
امروز بچت ادرار کرده؟ |
Has your child passed any stool today? |
emRooz mezaaj e bachat a'mal kaRde? |
امروز مزاج بچت عمل کرده؟ |
Did your child pass any stool yesterday? |
deeRooz mezaaj e bachat a'mal kaRd? |
دیروز مزاج بچت عمل کرد؟ |
Has your child had any diarrhea? |
taa haalaa bachat eshaal daashte? |
تا حالابچت اسهال داشته؟ |
Has your child been vomiting? |
bachat estefRaagh meekaRde? |
بچت استفراغ میکرده؟ |
Your child looks healthy. |
bachat saalem be nazaR meeRase |
بچت سالم بنظر میرسه |
Your child will be fine. |
haal e bachat kaamelan Khoob meeshe |
حال بچت کاملاً خوب میشه |
Your child will be ill for a long time. |
bachat baRaaye modat e zeeyadee naKhosh memoone |
بچت برای مدت زیادی ناخوش میمونه |
This illness will pass slowly, but your child's health will return completely. |
een naaKhoshee be kondee Raf' meeshe, valee salamat e bachat betooR e kaamel baRmeegaRde |
این ناخوشی به کندی رفع میشه، ولی سلامت بچت بطور کامل برمیگرده |
Feed the child small portions every few hours. |
haR chan saa'at be bachat kamee ghazaa bede |
هر چن ساعت به بچت کمی غذا بده |
Help your child drink this every few hours. |
haR chan saa'at be bachat komak kon eenoo beKhooRe |
هر چن ساعت به بچت کمک کن اینو بخوره |
Feed this medicine to your child every four hours. |
haR chaaR saa'at een davaaRoo be bachat bede |
هر چار ساعت این دوا رو به بچت بده |
Allow your child to sleep. |
bezaaR bachat beKhaabe |
بذار بچت بخوابه |
You need to sleep as much as the child does. |
Khodet hamoon aandaaze be Khob ehteeaaj daaRee ke bachat |
خودت همون اندازه به خواب احتیاج داری که بچت |
Bring your child back here tomorrow. |
faRdaa doobaaRe bachato beeyaaR |
فردا دو باره بچتو بیار |