Did the numbness or tingling start today? |
keReKhtee yaa KhaaResh emRooz shoRoo' shod? |
کرختی یا خارش امروز شروع شد؟ |
How many days have you have the numbness or tingling? |
chand Rooze keReKhtee yaa KhaaReshoo daaRee? |
چند روزه کرختی یا خارشو داری؟ |
Do you feel weak? |
ehsaas e za'f meekonee? |
احساس ضعف میکنی؟ |
Did the weakness start today? |
za'fet aamRooz shoRoo' shod? |
ضعفت امروز شروع شد؟ |
How many days have you had the weakness? |
chand Rooze za'f daaRee? |
چند روزه ضعف داری؟ |