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Play Button The name of the village Play Button tsun dzong gaa meeyang dzi. 村庄的名字.
Play Button The location of the village Play Button tsun dzong gaa wee dzi. 村庄的位置.
Play Button Is there road access for cars? Play Button yoo tsaa Sheeng gaa loo jeen maa? 有车行的路径吗?
Play Button Is there a road access for four-wheel drive? Play Button yoo szw len Chee dong tsaa tsaa Sheen gaa loo jeen maa? 有四轮驱动车车行的路径吗?
Play Button Is there a road access for trucks? Play Button yoo ka tsaa tsaa Sheen gaa loo jeen maa? 有卡车车行的路径吗?
Play Button Is the road accessible in the winter? Play Button gey ee teeyo loo dong teeyan ko ee dzou maa? 这条路冬天可以走吗?
Play Button What is the number of the current population? Play Button moo Cheeyn gaa neen keo yoo doh so? 目前的人口有多少?
Play Button How many children are there? Play Button he lee yoo jee doh hay dzi? 那里有多少孩子?
Play Button How many men are there? Play Button he lee yoo jee doh nan len? 那里有多少男人?
Play Button How many women are there? Play Button he lee yoo jee doh nu len? 那里有多少女人?
Play Button How many locals are there? Play Button he lee yoo jee doh ben tee neen? 那里有多少本地人?
Play Button How many refugees are there? Play Button he lee yoo jee doh lan meen? 那里有多少难民?
Play Button How many returnees are there? Play Button he lee yoo jee doh fee guee gaa neen? 那里有多少回归的人?
Play Button Who is the community leader? Play Button soyee szi sa Chee leen dao? 谁是社区领导?
Play Button Who is responsible for food distribution? Play Button soyee foo dze fen fa si woo? 谁负责分发食物?
Play Button Where is the local warehouse? Play Button bendee goh tsang koo tsaay la lee? 本地的仓库在哪里?
Play Button Is there a storage facility? Play Button yoo mao yoo tsun tsoo se si? 有没有存储设施?
Play Button Is this village used for secondary distribution? Play Button gey dzaa tsun dzong szi yong lay dzoo tzi jee fen fa gaa maa? 这个村庄是用来做二手分发的吗?
Play Button Which villages receive assistance from this village? Play Button la She tsun dzong jeeye seo gey dzaa tsun dzong gaa yuan dzoo? 哪些村庄是从这个村庄收取援助的?
Play Button How many damaged houses in this village? Play Button gey dzaa tsun dzong lee yoo jee doh seo sun gaa fong dzi? 这个村庄里有多少受损的房子?
Play Button How many unfinished houses in this village? Play Button gey dzaa tsun dzong lee yoo jee doh mao jeean wan gaa fong dzi? 这个村庄里有多少没有建完的房子?
Play Button Was there any new war damage to buildings since before the conflict? Play Button tsong tsong too fa sen dao Sheean tsaay, gey She fong woo yoo mao yoo len ho Sheen gaa dzen dzen sun hay? 从冲突发生到现在这些房屋有没有任何新的损伤?
Play Button Is there a school in the village? Play Button tsun dzong lee yoo hoh hao maa? 村庄里有学校吗?
Play Button Is there a mosque / church in the village? Play Button tsun dzong lee yoo gao tong maa? 村庄里有教堂吗?
Play Button Is there a bakery? Play Button yoo meeyan mao deeyn maa? 有面包房吗?
Play Button Is there a health facility? Play Button yoo ee leeyo se si maa? 有医疗设施吗?
Play Button Is there any source of food available in the village? Play Button tsun dzong lee yoo len ho si woo lay nuan maa? 村庄里有任何食物吗?
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