Do you have an identity card? |
nen yoo sen fen dzen maa? |
你有身份证吗? |
Show me your identification. |
gay ngo kuan nen gaa sen fen dzen |
给我看你的身份证. |
How many people live in this area? |
yoo jee doh neen tsoo tsaay gey dzaa Chee? |
有多少人住在这个区? |
Who is the leader of this community? |
gey dzaa saChee gaa leendao szi soyee? |
这个团体的领导是谁? |
What is his name? |
jeeye jeeyo Shilee meeyang dzi? |
他叫什么名字? |
Please write down his name. |
Cheeyang Shyaa haa jeeye gaa meeyang dzi. |
请写下他的名字. |
Show us the leader. |
day ngo min Che dzao ngen gaa leendao. |
指给我们看领导人是谁. |
How many men and women live in this community? |
gey dzaa saa Chee tsoo yoo jee doh nan nin ho nee nin? |
这个小区住有多少男人和女人? |
How many children live here? |
yoo jee doh haydzi tsoo tsaay gey lee? |
有多少孩子住在这里? |
Are there schools here for the children? |
goh lee yoo hohao gey haydzi saang hoh maa? |
这里有孩子的学校吗? |
Do you have fire fighting equipment? |
nen yoo mao yoo jeeyo fo gaa se pee? |
你有没有救火的设备? |
Do you have a fire engine? |
nen yoo mao yoo Sheeyo fong tsaa? |
你有没有消防车? |
Who do you call in case of an accident? |
you way fa sen si nen wee dzao soyee? |
如果有意外你会找谁? |
Are there operational emergency vehicles here? |
goh lee yoo jeenjee jeeyo foo tsaa maa? |
这里有紧急救护车吗? |
How many telephones do you have in the area? |
gey dzaa Chee yoo jee doh teeyn faa? |
这个区有多少电话? |
How many homes have telephones here? |
goh lee yoo jee doh fo neen ga yoo teeyn faa? |
这里多少家有电话? |
Is there a functioning police station? |
goh lee yoo dzen tsaang yun dzi gaa jeen tsaa seo maa? |
这里有在职的警察所吗? |
How many personnel are still on the job? |
yoo jee doh neen yuan hay tsaay dzi? |
有多少人员还在职? |
What's the means of communication? |
yong Shi lee fongsi leeyn loh? |
用什么方式联络? |
Can the police station function normally without U.S. assistance? |
loo go mao yoo mey gwoh She dzoo, jeeng tsaa Choo len dzen tsaang yun dzoh maa? |
警察局在没有美国援助的状况下能正常运作吗? |