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Play Button Do not stop if the convoy is attacked! Play Button jeen foo loo guo pee Shee jee ya boo yo teeng haa lay. 如果警护被袭击不要停下来!
Play Button Drive a minimum of 3 kms before stopping. Play Button tsaay teeng haa dzi Cheeyn dzooy seo kay san gong lee. 在停下之前最少开3公里.
Play Button Following distance is 100m on open highway. Play Button tsaay gong so ssang gen jeen gaa julee szi yi baa mee. 在高速上跟进的距离是一百米.
Play Button Following distance is 50m in towns. Play Button tsaay dzen sang gen jeen gaa julee szi umm se mee. 在镇上跟进的距离是五十米.
Play Button When stopped on the road, keep enough space between vehicles to drive around if required. Play Button tsaay loo sang pee teen haa lay si, yo bao tsi dzoo gou gaa tsaa ju yi peeyn tsaa leeyng yi tong. 在路上被停下来时要保持足够的车距以便需要时可 以开走.
Play Button If you lose sight of the convoy, slow down and wait for a military truck to pass you, and follow it. Play Button loo gwoh nen gen deeyo jeen foo, man haa lay den day jun doee ka tsaa tsao goh hou, dzai gen dzuo jeeye. 如果你看不到警护,慢下来等待军队卡车超过你,再跟着它.
Play Button No weapons. Play Button mao yoo woo Chee. 没有武器
Play Button No cell phone use. Play Button bo yo yong seo jee. 不要用手机.
Play Button Do not throw food or water to the locals. Play Button bo yo Sheeyang ben tee len len si woo fuo soyee. 不要向本地人扔食物或水.
Play Button No littering or dumping trash on military camps or staging areas. Play Button bo yo tsaay jun doee yong tee fuo jee jeeye tee luan len la jee. 不要在军队营地或集结地乱扔垃圾。
Play Button Go around any broken down truck in the convoy. Play Button lou kay foo Sheen jun doee dzong pao mao gaa ka tsaa. 绕开护行军队中坏了的卡车。
Play Button No flashing beacons. Play Button bo yo san tan dzou den. 不要闪探照灯。
Play Button Fuel vehicle every time vehicle stops. Play Button tsaa leeyng yi teeng Choo gaa yoo. 每当汽车停下时给车加油。
Play Button Food is provided at some military camps when available. Play Button mo Sheeyn junyong loo yoo len lee wee tee gong si woo. 在有货的情况下某些军营会提供食物。
Play Button Bring plenty of food and water with you. Play Button sensang yoo daay dzoo gou gaa si woo ho soyee. 带上足够多的水和食物。
Play Button If you have to stop for any reason and the convoy continues, wait for help from the military. Play Button loo gwoh nen een wee lenhe yuan een beeShee teengaa, tan foo jun tsaa jeeShee Cheeynjeen, den tay jun dun gaa baang dzoo. 如果你因任何原因必须停下但护军车继续前行,等待军队的帮助。
Play Button They will escort you back into position. Play Button jeeye min wee peebuan nen fee dao ben wee. 他们会陪伴你回到本位。
Play Button No fighting or arguing with any other driver over position in convoy. Play Button bo yo een foo jun tsaa doee lee de weedzi ho jee taa gaa si dzen tsao. 不要因为在户军车队里的位置争吵。
Play Button Drive in a single file. Play Button kaay tsen yi lee. 开成一列。
Play Button Be prepared to stop and assist broken down trucks. (Note: This is an instruction for bobtail drivers.) Play Button dzun bee hao teeng haa lay baang dzoo pao mao gaa ka tsaa. 准备好停下来帮助坏了的卡车。
Play Button Report any problems with other drivers to the convoy commander. Play Button Sheeyang foo jun tsaa tzi fee guan bao gao len ho ee Cheetaa si jee gaa wen tee 向护军车指挥官汇报和其他司机的矛盾。
Play Button No drug or alcohol use while driving. Play Button kay tsaa si bo yo foo yong yo woo ho jeeyo jeen. 开车时不要服用药物或酒精。
Play Button Know how to change tires and have proper tools. Play Button tay hao gong jee peen dzang wo luhen gen wen tsaa tay. 带好工具并掌握如何更换车胎。
Play Button Loads, straps, chains, and tires are the drivers' responsibility. Play Button dzuang pee , daydzi, sen so, ho luntay doee szi si jee gaa dze len. 装备,带子,绳索,和轮胎都是司机的责任。
Play Button Check every time the convoy stops. Play Button foo jun tsaa ee teeng haa Choo jeeyn tsaa. 每次护军车停下时检查一遍。
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