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Play Button Are you having pain? Play Button nen tong boo tong? 你痛不痛?
Play Button Where are you having pain? Play Button nen la dee tong? 你哪里痛?
Play Button Is the pain here? Play Button szi gwoh lee tong maa? 是这里痛吗?
Play Button Does anything make the pain better? Play Button yo Shi lee len ghan Chong nen gaa teng tong maa? 有什么能减轻你的疼痛吗?
Play Button Does anything make the pain worse? Play Button yo Shi lee szi nen ghen tong maa? 有什么使你更痛吗?
Play Button Did the pain start today? Play Button szi jeeng nya kaay szi tong gaa maa? 是今天开始痛的吗?
Play Button How many days have you had the pain? Play Button nen tong le jee nee le? 你痛了几天了?
Play Button Describe the pain on a scale from 1 to 10. Play Button tsong yi daao se dzi ghan, nen gwoh de nen tong gaa tseng doo loo hwo? 从1 到10之间,你觉得你痛的程度如何?
Play Button 10 is the worst possible pain, and 1 is no pain at all. Play Button se szi dzui tong, yi szi won Chooen boo tong 10 是最痛,1 是完全不痛。
Play Button Hold up the number of fingers. Play Button nen yoong Sho tzi teo bee soo dzi gay ngo kuan 你用手指头比数字给我看。
Play Button What is the main problem? Play Button dzu yo gaa wen tee szi Shi lee? 主要的问题是什么?
Play Button How long have you had the pain? Play Button nen tong le jee jeeyoo? 你痛了多久?
Play Button Show me where the pain started. Play Button tsong la dee kaay szi tong gaa? 从哪里开始痛的?
Play Button Does the pain go to the back? Play Button ho bee tong maa? 后背痛吗?
Play Button Does the pain go to the testicles? Play Button dao wahn tong maa? 睾丸痛吗?
Play Button Does this pain go to the groin? Play Button kaa lee tong maa? 胯里痛吗?
Play Button Is this a sharp pain? Play Button tong de Chong le maa? 痛得强烈吗?
Play Button Is this a dull pain? Play Button szi een een gaa tong maa? 是隐隐的痛吗?
Play Button Is this a cramping pain? Play Button szi Choo jeen gaa tong maa? 是抽痉的痛吗?
Play Button Is this a constant pain? Play Button szi tsi Sheh boo tuon gaa tong maa? 是持续不断的痛吗?
Play Button Is this an intermittent pain? Play Button szi tuon tuon Sheeo Sheeo gaa tong maa? 是断断续续的痛吗?
Play Button Is this a mild pain? Play Button szi yi deeya deeya tong? 是一点点痛?
Play Button Is this a moderate pain? Play Button szi boo szi jong doo gaa tong? 是不是中度的痛?
Play Button Is this a severe pain? Play Button tong de hen lee hay maa? 痛得很厉害吗?
Play Button Is this the worst pain you ever had? Play Button yi Cheeyen yo gwoh gwo mo tong gaa jeen yen maa? 以前有过这麽痛的经验吗?
Play Button Is there anything that relieves the pain symptom? Play Button yo Shi lee koh yi ghan Chong nen gaa teng tong maa? 有什么可以减轻你的疼痛吗?
Play Button Is there anything that worsens the pain symptom? Play Button yo Shi lee wee long nen ghen tong maa? 有什么会让你更痛吗?
Play Button Have you seen a doctor or anyone about this? Play Button nen yoo wee tzi kuan gwoh yi sen hwo se me neen maa? 你有为此看过医生或什么人吗?
Play Button What medicines are you taking? Play Button nen Sheeyen tsaay tsaay Cha Shi lee yaah maa? 你现在在吃什么药吗?
Play Button Are you experiencing fevers? Play Button nen yo mo yo fa so? 你有没有发烧?
Play Button Are you experiencing chills? Play Button nen yo mo yo fa lah? 你有没有发冷?
Play Button Are you experiencing nausea? Play Button nen yo me yo ghen gwoh moh Sheen? 你有没有感觉恶心?
Play Button Are you experiencing vomiting? Play Button nen yo me yo neeyo too? 你有没有呕吐?
Play Button Are you experiencing diarrhea? Play Button nen yo me yo la doo dzi? 你有没有拉肚子?
Play Button Are you experiencing loss of appetite? Play Button nen yo me yo ghen gwoh maao wee ke-o? 你有没有感觉没胃口?
Play Button Are you experiencing headaches? Play Button nen yo me yo teo tong? 你有没有头痛?
Play Button Are you experiencing visual disturbances? Play Button nen goh szi gwoh yo me yo so een Sheeyang? 你视觉有没有受影响?
Play Button Are you experiencing numbness or tingling? Play Button nen yo mo yo la dee ghen gwoh tzi maa? 你有没有那里感觉刺麻?
Play Button Are you experiencing bleeding by mouth or rectum? Play Button nen dzooy ba hwo szi gun meen yo me yo leeyoo Sheh? 你嘴巴或是肛门有没有流血?
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