Did the pain start today? |
szi jeeng nya kaay szi tong gaa maa? |
是今天开始痛的吗? |
How many days have you had the pain? |
nen tong le jee nee le? |
你痛了几天了? |
Describe the pain on a scale from 1 to 10. |
tsong yi daao se dzi ghan, nen gwoh de nen tong gaa tseng doo loo hwo? |
从1 到10之间,你觉得你痛的程度如何? |
10 is the worst possible pain, and 1 is no pain at all. |
se szi dzui tong, yi szi won Chooen boo tong |
10 是最痛,1 是完全不痛。 |
Hold up the number of fingers. |
nen yoong Sho tzi teo bee soo dzi gay ngo kuan |
你用手指头比数字给我看。 |
Is there anything that relieves the pain symptom? |
yo Shi lee koh yi ghan Chong nen gaa teng tong maa? |
有什么可以减轻你的疼痛吗? |
Is there anything that worsens the pain symptom? |
yo Shi lee wee long nen ghen tong maa? |
有什么会让你更痛吗? |
Have you seen a doctor or anyone about this? |
nen yoo wee tzi kuan gwoh yi sen hwo se me neen maa? |
你有为此看过医生或什么人吗? |
What medicines are you taking? |
nen Sheeyen tsaay tsaay Cha Shi lee yaah maa? |
你现在在吃什么药吗? |
Are you experiencing fevers? |
nen yo mo yo fa so? |
你有没有发烧? |