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Play Button Do you feel sick? Play Button nen szi boo szi ghen gwoh song peeyong leeyoo le? 你是不是感觉生病了?
Play Button Did you begin to feel sick today? Play Button nen szi jeen nya kaay szi gwoh de peeyong leeyoo maa? 你是今天开始觉得病了吗?
Play Button How many days have you felt sick? Play Button nen gwoh de peeyong leeyoo yi jeen jee nee le? 你觉得病了已经几天了?
Play Button Is the sickness here? Play Button szi gwoh lee boo soo foo? 是这里不舒服?
Play Button Do you feel nauseated? Play Button nen Sheeyang neeyo too maa? 你想吐吗?
Play Button Did the nausea start today? Play Button szi jeen nya kaay szi Sheeyang too gaa maa? 是今天开始想吐的吗?
Play Button How many days have you had the nausea? Play Button nen gwoh de Sheeyang too yi jeen jee nee le? 你觉得想吐已经几天了?
Play Button Have you been vomiting? Play Button nen yo neeyo too maa? 你有呕吐吗?
Play Button Is there any blood in your vomit? Play Button nen too gaa lee meeyen daay Sheh maa? 你吐的里面带血吗?
Play Button Is there any black color in your vomit? Play Button nen too gaa lee meeyen daay heh se maa? 你吐的里面带黑色吗?
Play Button Have you had any diarrhea? Play Button nen yo la duu dzi maa? 你有拉肚子吗?
Play Button How many times have you had diarrhea today? Play Button nen jeen nya la doo dzi la le jee tsi? 你今天拉肚子拉了几次?
Play Button Would your diarrhea today fill this? Play Button nen jeen nya paay Sheh gaa yo gwoh mo doh maa? 你今天排泄的有这么多吗?
Play Button What color is the diarrhea? Play Button nen paay Sheh tso lay gaa szi Shi lee ngan se? 你拉泄出来的是什么颜色?
Play Button Is it red? Play Button szi fone gaa maa? 是红的吗?
Play Button Is it yellow? Play Button szi won gaa maa? 是黄的吗?
Play Button Is it green? Play Button szi leeoh gaa maa? 是绿的吗?
Play Button Is it black? Play Button szi heh gaa maa? 是黑的吗?
Play Button When was the last time you had a bowel movement? Play Button nen dzui ho yi tsi taay peeyn szi Shi lee szi ghon? 你最后一次大便是什么时候?
Play Button Has there been any blood in your stool? Play Button nen taay peeyn lee yo Sheh maa? 你大便里有血吗?
Play Button Are you bleeding from your rectum? Play Button nen gun meen yo leeyoo Sheh maa? 你肛门有流血吗?
Play Button Have your stools been black? Play Button nen taay peeyn szi heh gaa maa? 你大便是黑的吗?
Play Button Do you have fever? Play Button nen fa so leeyoo maa? 你发烧了吗?
Play Button For how many days have you had a fever? Play Button nen fa so jee nee leeyoo? 你发烧几天了?
Play Button Does it burn when you urinate? Play Button nen la neeyo szi yo dzong le gaa ghen gwoh maa? 你尿尿时有灼热的感觉吗?
Play Button Does it hurt when you urinate? Play Button nen la neeyo szi tong maa? 你尿尿时痛吗?
Play Button Are you urinating more than usual? Play Button nen bee peeng szi neeyo de doh maa? 你比平时尿的多吗?
Play Button Is there blood in the urine? Play Button nen neeyo lee yo Sheh maa? 你尿里有血吗?
Play Button When did you eat last? Play Button nen dzui hwo yi tsan szi Shi lee szi ghon Cha gaa? 你最后一餐是什么时候吃的?
Play Button Are you hungry? Play Button nen ngo leeyoo maa? 你饿了吗?
Play Button Do you have worms? Play Button nen yo fey tsoong maa? 你有蛔虫吗?
Play Button Do you have malaria? Play Button nen yo nye jee maa? 你有疟疾吗?
Play Button Do you have tuberculosis? Play Button nen yo fey je heh maa? 你有肺结核吗?
Play Button Do you know what I mean by the term HIV? Play Button nen Shyo de ngo waah gaa HIV szi Shi lee maa? 你知道我说的HIV是什么吗?
Play Button Do you know what I mean by the term AIDS? Play Button nen Shyo de ngo waah gaa ngaay dzi peeyong szi Shi lee maa? 你知道我说的艾滋病是什么吗?
Play Button Are you infected with the HIV virus? Play Button nen yo mo yo pee ghen lin HIV? 你有没有被感染HIV?
Play Button Do you have AIDS? Play Button nen yo mo yo pee ghen lin ngaay dzi peeyong? 你有没有被感染艾滋病?
Play Button You need a blood test for the HIV virus. Play Button nen Shee yo dzoo HIV peeyong too Sheh yeh jen tse 你需要做HIV病毒血液检测。
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