Do you have pain in this joint I'm touching? |
ngo mo gaa gay dza gwan je tong boo tong? |
我摸的这个关节痛不痛? |
Do you have pain in any other joint? |
nen yo la goh gwan je tong maa? |
你有哪个关节痛吗? |
Which joint hurts the most? |
la goh gwan je dzui tong? |
哪个关节最痛? |
Do you have pain in this muscle I'm touching? |
ngo mo gaa gay koaay jee neeyo tong boo tong? |
我摸的这块肌肉痛不痛? |
Do you have pain in any other muscle? |
nen Chee taa gaa jee neeyo tong maa? |
你其他的肌肉痛吗? |