Let us examine your child in private. |
long ngo min dan doo jen tsa nen gaa haay dzi |
让我们单独检查你的孩子。 |
Your child will get better soon. |
nen gaa haay dzi hen kuaay joo wee how Chee lay |
你的孩子很快就会好起来。 |
This medicine will help your child. |
gay gaa yaah kwo yi bon dzu nen gaa haay dzi |
这药可以帮助你的孩子。 |
Did your child eat today? |
nen gaa haay dzi jeen nya Cha dong Shee le maa? |
你的孩子今天吃东西了吗? |
Did your child eat yesterday? |
nen gaa haay dzi tsao nee Cha dong Shee le maa? |
你的孩子昨天吃东西了吗? |
Has your child passed urine today? |
nen gaa haay dzi jeen nya Sheeyo beeyen le maa? |
你的孩子今天小便了吗? |
Has your child passed any stool today? |
nen gaa haay dzi jeen nya taay peeyn le maa? |
你的孩子今天大便了吗? |
Did your child pass any stool yesterday? |
nen gaa haay dzi tsao nee taay peeyn le maa? |
你的孩子昨天大便了吗? |
Has your child had any diarrhea? |
nen gaa haay dzi yo la doo dzi maa? |
你的孩子有拉肚子吗? |
Has your child been vomiting? |
nen gaa haay dzi yo neeyou too maa? |
你的孩子有呕吐吗? |
Your child looks healthy. |
nen gaa haay dzi kuan Chee lay hen jen kong |
你的孩子看起来很健康。 |
Your child will be fine. |
nen gaa haay dzi wee maa you szi gaa |
你的孩子会没事的。 |
Your child will be ill for a long time. |
nen gaa haay dzi wee peeyong yi tsen dzi |
你的孩子会病一阵子。 |
This illness will pass slowly, but your child's health will return completely. |
gay dza peeyong how de man. tahn nen gaa haay dzi wee won Chooen fey foo gaa |
这个病好得慢。但你的孩子会完全恢复的。 |
Feed the child small portions every few hours. |
mey jee ge Sheeyo szi gay haay dzi wee yi deeyn dong Shee Cha |
每几小时给孩子喂一点东西吃。 |
Help your child drink this every few hours. |
mey jee ge Sheeyo szi gay nen gaa haay dzi huh deeyn gay goh |
每几小时给你的孩子喝一点这个。 |
Feed this medicine to your child every four hours. |
mey szi goh Sheeyo szi gay nen gaa haay dzi Cheeya gay ge yaah |
每四个小时给你的孩子吃这个药。。 |
Allow your child to sleep. |
long nen gaa haay dzi koon gwoh |
让你的孩子睡觉。 |
You need to sleep as much as the child does. |
nen ghen haay dzi doh Shee yo soy meeyen |
你和孩子都需要睡眠。 |
Bring your child back here tomorrow. |
myong nee dzaay daay haay dzi dao gwoh lee lay |
明天再带孩子到这里来。 |