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Play Button Can I do anything to help you? Play Button ngo len bon nen Shi lee maa? 我能帮你什么吗?
Play Button Come with me. Play Button gen ngo laay 跟我来。
Play Button I will try not to hurt you. Play Button ngo wee szi dzoh boo ba nen loong tong 我会试着不把你弄痛。
Play Button I am going to lift you. Play Button ngo yo baa nen taay Chee lay 我要把你抬起来。
Play Button I am going to put a needle in your arm to give you medication. Play Button ngo yo tsaay nen gaa Sheeyoo bee song daa yi dzen yaah woo 我要在你的手臂上打一针药物。
Play Button I am sorry I hurt you. Play Button do-ee boo Chee ngo loong tong nen le 对不起我弄痛你了。
Play Button I must adjust the tube in your chest. Play Button ngo bee Shee teeyou dzen yi haa nen Sheeyong ke-o gaa gwon dzi 我必须调整一下你胸口的管子。
Play Button I must change your dressings. Play Button ngo bee Shee gay nen waan saa boo 我必须给你换纱布。
Play Button I must cut your hair. Play Button ngo bee Shee gay nen jen teo fa 我必须给你剪头发。
Play Button I must give you a shave. Play Button ngo bee Shee gay nen gwa foo dzi 我必须给你刮胡子。
Play Button I must give you a suppository into your rectum. Play Button ngo bee Shee tsaay nen gaa gun meen fon yi ge soo-an jee 我必须在你的肛门放一个栓剂。
Play Button I must give you an injection with a needle. Play Button ngo bee Shee gay nen dzoo sa yi dzen 我必须给你注射一针。
Play Button I must make your bed. Play Button ngo bee Shee gay nen poo Chong 我必须给你铺床。
Play Button I must wash your hair. Play Button ngo bee Shee gay nen Shee teo 我必须给你洗头。
Play Button I will help you dress. Play Button ngo wee bon nen Chun yi foo 我会帮你穿衣服。
Play Button I will help you undress. Play Button ngo wee bon nen toh yi foo 我会帮你脱衣服。
Play Button Put the gown on. Play Button baa pao dzi fon haa lay 把袍子放下来。
Play Button Put your arms around my shoulders. Play Button yoong nen gaa Sheeyoo pao dzu ngo gaa jen bong 把你的手抱住我的肩膀。
Play Button This medicine will take the pain away. Play Button gay dzong yaah wee dzi tong 这药会止痛。
Play Button This will help you feel better. Play Button gwoh wee long nen gwoh de how Sheh 这会会让你觉得好些。
Play Button Would you like more? Play Button nen haay yo yi Sheh maa? 你还要一些吗?
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