I need to give you some medicine. |
ngo yo gay nen yi Sheh yaah woo |
我要给你一些药物 |
This medicine is for pain. |
gwoh szi dzi tong yaah |
这是止痛药。 |
This medicine will fight infection. |
gwoh szi dzaan fa yen gaa yaah |
这是治发炎的药。 |
Avoid alcohol while taking medicine. |
Cha yaah szi boo yo haa jee-o |
吃药时不要喝酒。 |
Take until finished. |
foo yoong yi tsi daao Chaa won |
服用一直到吃完。 |
Take with food. |
ho se woo yi Chee Chaa |
和食物一起吃。 |
Take on an empty stomach (one hour before or two hours after a meal). |
koong foo szi Cha (fon Cheeyen yi Sheeyo szi foh fon ho leeyong Sheeyo szi) |
空腹时吃。(饭前一小时或饭后两小时) |
Drink plenty of fluids. |
heh taay leey ang yeh tee |
喝大量液体。 |
Avoid taking at the same time as dairy products. |
peen meeyen gen loo dzi peen yi Chee Cha |
避免和乳制品一起吃。 |
This medicine may change the color of urine or stool. |
gay dzong yaah koh len wee long nen gaa Sheeyo beeyen hwo taay peeyn beeyen ngan se |
这种药可能会让你的小便或大便变颜色。 |
Avoid sunlight. |
peen meeyen saay taay yong |
避免晒太阳。 |
Shake well. |
yo jun yun |
摇均匀。 |
Refrigerate (do not freeze). |
fon beeng Sheeyan lee (boo yoong fon doon Sheeyan lee) |
放冰箱里 (不用放冻箱里) |
May cause heat injury. |
koh len wee Shyo le |
可能会受热。 |
May cause drowsiness (avoid using dangerous machinery). |
koh len wee teo yon (peen meeyen szi yoong wee Sheeyen gaa jee Chee) |
可能会头晕。(避免使用危险的机器。) |
Take by mouth. |
ke-o foo |
口服。 |
Place drops in affected ear. |
dee tsaay gen lin le de er doh lee |
滴在感染了的耳朵里。 |
Inject subcutaneously. |
pee haa dzu saa |
皮下注射 |
Unwrap and insert one suppository rectally. |
Chaa kaay ho se tsaay gun meen lee |
拆开后塞在肛门里。 |
Spray in nose. |
pehn taao pee dzi lee |
喷到鼻子里。 |
Inhale by mouth. |
yoong dzo-ee Shee Chee |
用嘴吸气。 |
Insert vaginally. |
Chong een taao tsa loo |
从阴道插入。 |
Place in affected eye. |
tsa tsaay fa yen gaa ngan jahng lee |
擦在发炎的眼睛里。 |
Apply to skin. |
too tsaay pee foo song |
涂在皮肤上。 |
Allow to dissolve under tongue without swallowing (sublingual). |
fon tsaay se teo haa yoong faa, boo yo dzi je ten haa |
放在舌头下溶化,不要直接吞下。 |
Tablet |
yaah peeyen |
药片。 |
Capsule |
gaao long |
胶囊 |
Teaspoonful |
teeyo gen |
茶匙 |
Ounce |
maang szi |
盎司 |
Puff |
Cho-ee |
吹 |
Spray |
pen |
喷 |
Patch |
teyh boo |
贴布 |
Drop |
yaah soo-e |
药水 |
Suppository |
soan jee |
栓剂 |
Once daily |
mey nee yi tzi |
每日一次 |
Twice daily |
mey nee leeyong tzi |
每日两次 |
Three times daily |
mey nee san tzi |
每日三次 |
Four times daily |
mey nee szi tzi |
每日四次 |
Five times daily |
mey nee umm tzi |
每日五次 |
Every twelve hours |
mey szi ur Sheeyo szi |
每十二小时 |
Every eight hours |
mey ba gwoh Sheeyo szi |
每八个小时 |
Every four hours |
mey szi gwoh Sheeyo szi |
每四个小时 |
Every two hours |
mey leeyong gwoh Sheeyo szi |
每二个小时 |
Every hour |
mey gwoh Sheeyo szi |
每个小时 |
Every morning |
mey gwoh dzaao song |
每天早上 |
Every night |
mey teeyen waan song |
每天晚上 |
For one week |
yi dzoo |
一周 |
For one month |
yi gwoh nyaa |
一个月 |
Today |
Cheen nyaa |
今天 |
Now |
Sheeyen dzaay |
现在 |
Tomorrow |
meeyaang ne |
明天 |
As needed |
ngan Shee yo |
按需要 |
Pain |
tong |
痛 |
Fever |
fa seo |
发烧 |
Infection |
gen lin |
感染 |
Difficulty breathing |
foo Shee kon nan |
呼吸困难 |
Blood pressure |
Shey ngaa |
血压 |
High cholesterol |
gaao dan gwoo Choon |
高胆固醇 |
Allergies |
gwoh meeng |
过敏 |
Allergic reaction |
gwoh meeng fan een |
过敏反应 |
Upset stomach, nausea, vomiting |
wee boo soo foo, moh Sheen, neeyou too |
胃不舒服,恶心,呕吐。 |
Depression, sadness |
yo ye, saang Sheen |
抑郁,伤心。 |
Congestion |
pee saa |
鼻塞 |
Cough |
keseo |
咳嗽 |
Chest pressure |
Shoong ngah |
胸压 |
Seizure |
deeyn han |
癫痫 |
Insomnia |
se meeyen |
失眠 |
Discard remainder when finished. |
boo yoong ho baa sen haa gaa leen deeyo |
不用后把剩下的扔掉。 |
Apply a thin layer to skin. |
po po gaa tsa yi tsen tsaay pee fo song |
薄薄的擦一层在皮肤上 |
Do you understand? |
nen meeng ba maa? |
你明白吗? |
1 |
yi |
一 |
2 |
ur |
二 |
3 |
san |
三 |
4 |
szw |
四 |
5 |
umm |
五 |
6 |
deeyo |
六 |
7 |
Chee |
七 |
8 |
baa |
八 |
9 |
jeeyoo |
九 |
10 |
se |
十 |
11 |
se yi |
十一 |
12 |
se ur |
十二 |
13 |
se san |
十三 |
14 |
se szw |
十四 |
15 |
se umm |
十五 |
16 |
se deeyoo |
十六 |
17 |
se Chee |
十七 |
18 |
se baa |
十八 |
19 |
se jeeyoo |
十九 |
20 |
ur se |
二十 |
30 |
san se |
三十 |
40 |
szw se |
四十 |
50 |
umm se |
五十 |
60 |
deeyo se |
六十 |
70 |
Chee se |
七十 |
80 |
baa se |
八十 |
90 |
jeeyo se |
九十 |
100 |
yi baa |
一百 |
500 |
umm baa |
五百 |
1,000 |
yi Cheeyen |
一千 |
10,000 |
yi waan |
一万 |
100,000 |
se waan |
十万 |
1,000,000 |
yi baa waan |
一百万 |