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Play Button I do not wish to give an interview. Play Button ngo boo Sheeyang pee tsay fong 我不想被采访。
Play Button He does not wish to give an interview. Play Button je boo Sheeyang pee tsay fong 他不想被采访。
Play Button She does not wish to give an interview. Play Button je boo Sheeyang pee tsay fong 她不想被采访。
Play Button I am not qualified to answer that question. Play Button ngo mao yoo tzi gaa fee da hey dzaa wen tee 我没有资格回答那个问题。
Play Button She is not qualified to answer that question. Play Button je may yoo tzi gaa fee da hey dzaa wen tee 她没有资格回答那个问题。
Play Button He is not qualified to answer that question. Play Button je may yoo tzi gaa fee da hey dzaa wen tee 他没有资格回答那个问题。
Play Button He does not want to answer that question. Play Button je boo Sheeyang fee da hey dzaa wen tee 他不想回答那个问题。
Play Button She does not want to answer that question. Play Button je boo Sheeyang fee da hey dzaa wen tee 她不想回答那个问题。
Play Button I will not answer this question. Play Button ngo boo yo fee da gay dzaa wen tee 我不要回答这个问题。
Play Button I have no answer at this time. Play Button moo Cheeyng ngo mao yoo dahn ngun 目前我没有答案。
Play Button I would like to stop this interview. Play Button ngo yo dzong tzi gay goh tsay fong 我要中止这个采访。
Play Button She would like to stop this interview. Play Button je yo dzong tzi gay goh tsay fong 她要中止这个采访。
Play Button He would like to stop this interview. Play Button je yo dzong tzi gay goh tsay fong 他要中止这个采访。
Play Button No comment. Play Button woo koh foon gao 无可奉告。
Play Button Can you please ask the question in simpler language? Play Button nen koh boo koh yi yoong ghan danh gaa neew yen laay wen gay dzaa wen tee? 你可不可以用简单的语言来问这个问题?
Play Button This interview is over. Play Button tsay fong je so le 采访结束了。
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