Is this from a vehicle crash? |
saa seh yoo akseedaa maasheen? |
Sa a se nan yon aksidan machinn? |
Did a person do this to you? |
seh yoo moon kee feh oo saa? |
Se yon moun ki fè ou sa? |
Did you lose consciousness after this happened? |
oo teh pehdee koneesaas apRee saa Reeveh oo? |
Ou te pèdi konesans apre sa rive ou? |
Did you lose more than this much blood? |
oo pehdee plis paaseh saa? |
Ou pèdi plus pase sa? |
Point to all the parts of your body that hurt. |
tosheh toot paatee naa ko kaap feh oo maal |
Touche tout pati nan ko k'ap fè ou mal |